Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Custom Paint Your BlackBerry Torch 9800

When the BlackBerry Torch 9800 came out I was uber excited about it. But then I remembered that I'm stuck with a three year contract where I have 2 years left to go on my BlackBerry Curve 8330 : /

A girl can still fantasize right?

So I did with this really cool website where you can ship in your Torch and have it re-painted with some wicked-cool colors.

Check out Colorwarepc

The pricing is on the expensive side, but, it was really cool to pretend to design the Torch I dont' have.

Below are my pics:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Is Your BlackBerry all buggy? Find Out how to make it brand new (w/o losing data of course)!

How to Refresh Your BB Without Losing Data
By: Kim2theKiko
Tested only on BB Curve 8330

Once in awhile, more like every 2 weeks, I notice that the hour glass and the blackouts appears more often than what I’m comfortable with. Then I have to do a battery pull which is VERY annoying when you're in the middle of nowhere trying to Google Map your way back home. To me, it’s time to format my phone! Below are the steps I use to do so.


Materials/Items Needed:

· Fully charged BlackBerry (Curve 8330)

· USB wire

o To connect your BB to your computer

· BlackBerry Desktop Manager

o Google it and then download it

o I’m using version 5.0.1, it’s old but I like it!

· Registration/Activation codes/OTA links and Passwords to emails, online communities, etc

o If you actually bought apps, collect their registration and or activation codes and OTA links.

o If you have 10+ email addresses, like me, then write down all the email addresses and their passwords in a safe place.
Trust me, you will wish you would’ve done that right away before continuing with this guide…

· Computer with Vista

o Yes, I’m still using Vista

· Patience

o You won’t be getting any calls, texts or notifications during this time, and if you do, WAIT until you're done all the steps.

I don’t know about you, but I got a lot of Documents, Music, Videos, Contacts and Calendar stuff that I just cannot lose. Click here to tell me what other apps or items that you can’t live without on your BB. So let’s learn how to backup our sh*t : D


1. Plug in your BB into your computer via the USB wire

2. Go to the Start menu > All Programs >

a. Scroll down until you see the Blackberry folder

3. Click on the BB folder > Load Desktop Manager

4. You should see icons that start with Media, Application Loader, Backup and Restore.

a. Click on the Backup and Restore icon.

I always backup everything first right away, and then I do an Advanced backup where I only choose what I really need to backup. Just in case you forgot to backup something during the Advanced backup, you can always go to the full backup and find it there.


1. After clicking on the Backup and Restore icon you should see 3 sections, Backup, Restore and Advanced. Press the Backup button.

2. A Select file for Full Backup box should appear. Save the full backup in a folder that you will remember where it is in the next 10 seconds! And save.

What for the Transfer in progress box to do it’s thing. I like to wait by singing a song by Miley Cyrus, but you can do something else for the 30 second timeframe.

3. Click on the OK button after the The Backup file was successfully created dialog box appears.

Now, that wasn’t so hard! Now let’s make an Advanced backup:


1. You should see the three sections once more, Backup, Restore and Advanced. Press the Advanced button. Let the Transfer in progress box do its thing. Again, you can sing a song during the 5 second time frame.

2. There are 2 big boxes:

b. The one on the left is called File: and the one on the left is called Device databases [xx.xM free]

Before we play in this area, take a look at the list inside the Device databases and figure out which databases you cannot possibly live without. Click here and tell me which databases you can’t possibly live without and why.

The databases I cannot possibly live without are:

· Address Book – All

· Browser Bookmarks

· Calendar - All

· Memos

· Options

· PasswordKeeper

· Service Book

· Tasks

So, I made my list, but I prefer to actually save each of my databases one by one in it’s own file. For example:

3. I’ll select Address Book – All > Press the double arrows pointing towards the File: window-box thing.

4. Then I’ll select File (which is above the File: window) and save it.

a. I’ll repeat steps 10 to 11 for each of my databases that I showed up above step 10. You don’t have to do it like that, you can save all of them in one file.

Oh yeah, if you have an SD Card, you should probably save it’s content onto your computer as well! That’s simple, you just have to go to your Windows Explorer, find your BB’s SD/ Micro Card card, then select all the folders and copy them onto a place on your computer.

Now that we fully backed up our BlackBerry and it’s companion, the SD Card/Micro Card it’s FORMATTING TIME : D


1. Unplug your BB from the computer

2. Go to Options (wrench-looking icon) > Scroll down to Security Options > General Settings

3. Inside General Settings, press your BlackBerry icon to bring up a menu


4. Select Wipe Handheld

5. Let it do it’s thing. If you get an error, just try again.

a. This should take at least 5 minutes. Do some exercises or take a shower at this time. Or get ready to cook something.

Alright! You did it! So now your BlackBerry is just like brand new. Well, the software part should look and feel brand new. If you dropped it a couple of times, then the physical part may still look old : D

I actually try to do this once a month. Also, I find it easier than deleting all past email messages or Facebook notifications etc.

Remember section Materials/Items Needed: (c’mon, it’s the first section!) where I mentioned to collect Registration/Activation codes/OTA and Passwords? Well, I really, really, REALLY hope you did that. Because now, you’ll need to re-download some purchased apps and enter in their activation codes etc to remove the trial version and activate the full version. I have a Word document that’s locked with a long-ass password that has a list of over 50 apps with their registration numbers and OTA links. It sounds like a daunting task, but just add new apps with their activation codes in the locked Word document at a time and save it like 3 times on different medias (computer, CD, send to email address, etc). My Apps list looks a little like this:

1. Aerize Card Loader 2008 - SD card install utility

o Activation Code: xxx (PIN: xxx)

o Download:

o Product Technical Support:

o Credit Card: xxx

2. Documents To Go Premium Edition for BlackBerry, English Version: 1.007


o Order number : xxx

o Registration Number: xxx

o Activation Key: xxx

3. PDFtoGo





And then after you format your phone, you can simply click on the Word document and click on the apps’ website and re-download on your way to work on the bus like I do : )

Happy Halloween!
Be Safe!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Are You Thinking of Quitting Your Job and Going Back to School?

Well, I did it and it was an awesome experience.

I was working for a small sized software company where I was part of a QA team. As the program evolved I felt that my knowledge had lessen. Although the president of the company was offering to pay for specific computer-related courses I felt that my computer career had ended and that I should find a new career path to follow.

It was hard because at the time I had no idea of what new career to even chose from until someone mentioned that I should teach children. I heard that before 10 years ago when I was 16 yrs old and I wanted to become a Graphic Designer but for some reason the idea of teaching children didn't appeal to me.

But then again, I thought to myself, I do enough babysitting, so how about I open my own daycare? I haven't opened up my own daycare yet but after 8 months of working with children in preschools, I'm starting to think that would be a great way of becoming my own boss!

Take chances even if the road is bumpy. Bumpy roads forces you to focus until the end!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

LADY GAGA in Montreal June 2010 YEAH!

I love Lady Gaga.

I know, I know, I keep adding a list of people that I love on my posts but I do love Lady Gaga as an entertainer. I don't know much about controversies, her personal lives and how the media thinks of her but what matters now is I LOVE HER!

Yep, that's right, I purchased tickets totalling almost up to $400!!!
That show better be g-d good!!
But it will be :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How do you feel about online stores selling knock-offs?

Although I'm in class at the moment, I'm using my Blackberry to connect to the Internet. Desktop Manager rocks!

Anyway getting back to business, how do you feel about online stores, or just any stores selling knock-offs of designer brand name products like Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, DKNY, etc?

Ok, here's some background at why I even came up with this post. On Yahoo! Answers, I asked a question about should I return my new purse when I ebay'd it and found out it was $20 cheaper... One of the answers mentioned that if I wanted to find quality purses for less I should purchase them from:

Golden Seller

When I took a look at the website I realized that all the designs on the products were copies without the designer brand names printed on them. The FAQ section mentioned that although it's copied, it's still a high quality product.

Ok, that's nice, I can buy products where their designs were copies of the following designer brand name products: Gucci, Nike, Louis Vuitton and others for less than a quarter of the original designer brand name products' price!

While I thought this was a great trend to start for my lifestyle, I found this online article:

Hilary Fashion

They kind of scare you by telling you that if you buy a knock-off while traveling, the airport security may confiscate your product. That kinda sucks if you buy a Gucci purse worth $1550 but you still paid $150 for it, it's not fun seeing that money go down the gutter, toilet, trash can, etc...

But then again they did mention that if you can't buy the $1550 purse, buy a similar purse at a department store instead whom have the proper 'copying' license (as I like to call it) and that's ok.

Anyway, so what do you think about online stores selling knock-offs???

Fore more designer brand names:

Juicy Couture

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Freemasons, What do YOU Think About Them?

Well, for me, they seem alright...

I took a trip to Ottawa (Canada), with the b/f and we drove by a Freemason lodge area. The land was pretty big and I thought to myself, are they another religious entity? According to this online article's website:

Anti-Masonry: Points of View

They're not a cult... After reading the article, it sounds like Freemasons are similar to your local Girl Guides or Scouts except that it's for male adults and they get to attend meetings anytime there are meetings and they have discussions about how to become better men.

I haven't found any scandals about Freemasons, but that doesn't mean I'd recommend anyone (or deny anyone to join) to join. Just use some critical thinking. Ask around, and if you decide to join and something doesn't feel right then get out!

I'm interested to know what does one experience when they join?
And I'd like to have more information about them just in case my future-children decide to join them...

And here's another link about what they do:

United Grand Lodge of England

And here are results from Yahoo! Answers:

Which group is worst? Illuminati, New World Order, Freemasons, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, United Nations?


Which entity is worst? Illuminati, New World Order, Freemasons, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, United Nations?

And another one:

Whats the deal with the Masonry and Illuminists?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Want Some Free Blackberry Apps?

Well, I found a whole slew of them here at:

What I noticed though is you have to download the file onto your computer first, then either unzip the archived file or just copy the *.jar or *.cod file into your Blackberry's SD Card in a folder I called 'Downloads.'

They have some good apps like MTV Mobile, Twitter, flickr, etc.

Happy Downloading!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Some women wear niqabs to cover their facial identity for religious reasons.

I wear wigs and fake glasses to change part of my facial identity for fashion reasons.

So, what's the problem?

If the muslim women WANT to wear their face covering niqabs, let them. Nobody has stopped me from wearing a wig and my fake trendy red glasses but then again people have shown their disapproval of my glasses when I tell them their fake... Oh well...

But for the niqabs-wearing muslim women, I haven't heard any real con for them to wear it in their francophone class. Yes, it seems like common sense that to teach how to speak French to others, you'll probably most likely need to show your mouth and other facial expressions, but hey, they are up to challenge to do this with their niqabs on for the sake of their religion. Power to them : )

I don't think the professors have anything to worry about. If they really want them to take off their niqabs, then they can fail them or give them a lower mark if they don't do it and it's a requirement to show your face.

But if you're a professor, shouldn't you be able or at least willing to create a dual lesson plan and try your best to grade them in another way? Well, then again, I just finished writing up an essay on stress in the educational workplace and it mentioned that added on work is big stressor so, maybe never mind for my last suggestion.

Anyway, for the people who have no idea about what I'm talking about click the link on the bottom for the Montreal Gazette's online article:

And you'll see what I'm talking about.

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to Download Youtube Videos and Convert them to *WMV files

I chose *WMV files because you can then insert the video into a PowerPoint and make an interesting presentation for you class or business meeting.

Let's get started:

1. Go to CNET's download site website

2. Search for the program 'Any Video Converter'

3. Download the 'Any Video Converter' program

4. Go to Youtube

5. Search for your video, I searched for "Child Care"

6. Right-click the title, and select Copy link address (this is faster)

7. Load the 'Any Video Converter' + click on the Youtube icon

8. Press the insert button

9. Paste the Youtube link

10. Press the 'OK' button

11. Notice the warning that it is ready to download but it hasn't yet

12. Download Selected Online FLV

13. Status changes

14. Completed status

15. Checkmark + Convert video

16. Status

17. No Thanks

How to change the folder the videos are downloaded in:

A. To change download folder, Go to Edit > Options

B. Browse for your folder

C. D:\ drive or any drive or folder

In Ottawa w/the friends

The b/f and I travelled to Ottawa for the 1st time this year to celebrate a good friend's 30th birthday! They actually created a Facebook event called 'It's over, I'm turning 30.'

So that made me think about where did this stigma about turning 30 come from?

Well after doing some research I found the following links:

I Googled:

And this was the link I got:
'How come people don't like to turn 30?'

Just by briefly looking at the Google titles from the above link people seem to have a few questions about what happens to friendships, relationships after 30 and why do people act like this at 30?

Wow! I didn't realize that turning 30 was such a big deal. I thought that it was something that was only discussed in the movies. Well, I don't know about you but I think I'll be very happy when I turn 30 in 5 years ; D

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Certain songs hurt my ears...

When I have my earbuds in my ears that is...

For example Britney Spears' Showdown song makes my ears beg me to skip to the next song. I mean, I obviously like the Showdown song because why else would I have it on my Blackberry?

But some songs are like a piece of Heaven to my ears like

OC Remix's Ecco 2: The Tides of Time Medusa Mix.

I love the OverClocked Remix songs from that site <3
(And I do love Britney's songs too!)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Love Alyson Hannigan

She's so awesome.

From her Buffy The Vampire Slayer days, her American Pie days, right up to her How I Met Your Mother days, she seems to be an actress who understands the Hollywood ways without getting sucked into it's superficialness.
Of course my observations are only from how successful she's been on various TV shows and movies. And that I don't really hear anything terrible about her from Celebrity Gossip news.

I'm on Team Alyson Hannigan!

Go and become a fan of hers on Facebook or just view her awesome Google images!
Here's some below for your viewing pleasure:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So that's why churches don't like music bands...

Most bands want their fans to follow them around + be like them kinda like Jesus did which is cool and all since the word fan comes from fanantical.

But churches nowadays seem to get jealous if anyone follows anything that's not them. I guess it's a good thing for them that some dumb rule was made 1000s of years ago that they can use to guilt people into following only them. Follow the church and if u don't you're secretly Satan's child in disguise.

Not trying to diss anyone just saying what my perspective, life experiences and ego are telling me : )
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why do some people hate MTV's The Hills?

I've watched The Hills from it's first aired TV show straight through to it's 5th season with Lauren Conrad gone and Kristen Cavallari as the new star.

I added a comment to this Hills Hater web page and you can find it here:

Hate to Love Me: The Orleans Blog

Kim2theKiko's Christmas List of 2009

1. Jewelry, preferably silver
2. Gift cards, preferably at any pharmacy like Jean Coutu, Uniprix or Pharmaprix, or department stores like Zellers, Walmart or that other one that I can't remember. Oh! Even one for Futureshop or Best Buy would be awesome! Or Chapters/Indigo!
3. I want a cordless dust buster they're so cool!
4. A new large purse. My other one broke.
5. A new cover/case for my Blackberry Curve 8330
6. A makeup kit or a manicure kit
7. The Britney Spears Hits Collection. Yeah, I'm liking the little pop princess again
8. Or maybe The Hills DVD collection Volume 1-4 not all but one please ; )
9. Socks, I really need black socks
10. Energy drinks, I really like them especially if I'm working and going to school in the same day
11. Winter mittens or gloves, I can't seem to find my awesome pair from last year.

12. Lottery tickets, because they're so much fun to scratch around Christmas time
13. Fake French Manicured nails, yeah I started wearing them this year.
14. Oh yeah! To have all my family members happy and together for Christmas would be awesome too!
15. Oh yeah! Because I really love music videos could you have one of your little elves make me a Music Video 2009 compilation? Please check my new note called Kimmy's Music Videos.
16. A wireless radio, like the The Sanyo R227 from Tech toys for the bedroom
17. PC90X Extreme Home Fitness
18. Karaoke Set like from Walmart
19. James Bond Ultimate Collector's Set
20. Wii + Wii Fit Plus
21. EA Active More Workouts
22. BlackBerry Curve Charging Pod similiar to this one:
23. A new Blackberry case like from either Blackberry Curve 8330.