Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Video Games Aren't The Same As They Use To Be

Most of my life, I heard people, mostly older adults, discussing about how video gaming is a horrible hobby. Of course, if you haven't noticed, I love Nintendo + all their games! So, when I hear that ignorance, of course I roll my eyes. But I have to remember that when I started playing video games, it was a few years before Super Mario Bros. was born! (Remember the Donkey Kong + Mario game where you had to jump over the barrels that D.K would throw at Mario? Now that was a game of agility if I may say so!). Okay, now games, especially RPG games, require 70+ hrs to finish the game completely. So that means, if an hour per day is played, it will take the gamer more than 2 months to finish it. So, for me, that would mean I would wait almost 3 months before buying a new expensive game. I do agree that some games are extremely violent. For me, I'm not into that, just like I'm not into graphic violent novels or horror movies. And for the people who are, they are able to enjoy viewing/reading/playing and still continue to live a normal life. So, what are we really judging? The game or our attitudes towards using it?Anyway, for me, by Grade 3, video gaming was a good part of my life. Yah, know how you would read an adventure book and get lost into the storyline? Well, it was the same thing for me when I played the series of The Legend of Zelda. I even remember telling my friends in high school that if Link were a real life person, that I would've tried to go wherever he went, the way a teenage girl would follow her favorite Backstreet Boy at every concert that was in her city. I had the posters all over my walls, inbetween classes I would draw the characters from all the games and had intelligent conversations with other classmates about how to beat certain levels a different way, etc.Maybe for me I had a balanced view on video gaming and also with the help of my dad, I still made time to clean my room, try to study, play sports and stay connected with my friends.Ok, so there were times when my friends would call in the middle of me beating a boss at the end of a certain level. They would chat away, with the phone inbetween my neck and shoulders, (I thank you my God for letting humans create headsets) I would concentrate at the task at hand instead of answering their comments. Some of my friends would get frustrated that I was paying more attention to the game instead of them. So they would try to get off the phone, but I would disagree and say, "I'm almost done, just keep talking!" But then they would win and just say that they will call back in an hour. I wouldn't even notice that they hung-up, but I would normally hangup the phone. There was even a time when a spider, yes, a spider was on my neck and I didn't notice until I scratched it off. But my brain realized that it was a spider, so of course I paused the game, freaked-out like a girl and try to find it and kill it. And of course I was playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Anyway, my point is, to all Gamers, KEEP A BALANCED VIEW OF YOUR GAMING! Or else more articles like this one will emerge: Is video game addiction a psychiatric disorder?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Google My Name and See What Happens

Seriously though!
Type in "Kim_2the_Kiko" or even "kim2thekiko."

Isn't it cool?

Update: 11.Jan.2008
Because my old blog was deleted (click here, here and here for more info about that!)
instead Google "Kim2theKiko" (without the underscores) and see what you get!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

C Yah Later!

I'm working double shifts + my vacation starts the first week of July. So, for my friends, I can see you on Sat/Sun or the first week in July, for my bloggers, c-ya till next month!