Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How do you feel about online stores selling knock-offs?

Although I'm in class at the moment, I'm using my Blackberry to connect to the Internet. Desktop Manager rocks!

Anyway getting back to business, how do you feel about online stores, or just any stores selling knock-offs of designer brand name products like Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, DKNY, etc?

Ok, here's some background at why I even came up with this post. On Yahoo! Answers, I asked a question about should I return my new purse when I ebay'd it and found out it was $20 cheaper... One of the answers mentioned that if I wanted to find quality purses for less I should purchase them from:

Golden Seller

When I took a look at the website I realized that all the designs on the products were copies without the designer brand names printed on them. The FAQ section mentioned that although it's copied, it's still a high quality product.

Ok, that's nice, I can buy products where their designs were copies of the following designer brand name products: Gucci, Nike, Louis Vuitton and others for less than a quarter of the original designer brand name products' price!

While I thought this was a great trend to start for my lifestyle, I found this online article:

Hilary Fashion

They kind of scare you by telling you that if you buy a knock-off while traveling, the airport security may confiscate your product. That kinda sucks if you buy a Gucci purse worth $1550 but you still paid $150 for it, it's not fun seeing that money go down the gutter, toilet, trash can, etc...

But then again they did mention that if you can't buy the $1550 purse, buy a similar purse at a department store instead whom have the proper 'copying' license (as I like to call it) and that's ok.

Anyway, so what do you think about online stores selling knock-offs???

Fore more designer brand names:

Juicy Couture

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Freemasons, What do YOU Think About Them?

Well, for me, they seem alright...

I took a trip to Ottawa (Canada), with the b/f and we drove by a Freemason lodge area. The land was pretty big and I thought to myself, are they another religious entity? According to this online article's website:

Anti-Masonry: Points of View

They're not a cult... After reading the article, it sounds like Freemasons are similar to your local Girl Guides or Scouts except that it's for male adults and they get to attend meetings anytime there are meetings and they have discussions about how to become better men.

I haven't found any scandals about Freemasons, but that doesn't mean I'd recommend anyone (or deny anyone to join) to join. Just use some critical thinking. Ask around, and if you decide to join and something doesn't feel right then get out!

I'm interested to know what does one experience when they join?
And I'd like to have more information about them just in case my future-children decide to join them...

And here's another link about what they do:

United Grand Lodge of England

And here are results from Yahoo! Answers:

Which group is worst? Illuminati, New World Order, Freemasons, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, United Nations?


Which entity is worst? Illuminati, New World Order, Freemasons, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, United Nations?

And another one:

Whats the deal with the Masonry and Illuminists?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Want Some Free Blackberry Apps?

Well, I found a whole slew of them here at:

What I noticed though is you have to download the file onto your computer first, then either unzip the archived file or just copy the *.jar or *.cod file into your Blackberry's SD Card in a folder I called 'Downloads.'

They have some good apps like MTV Mobile, Twitter, flickr, etc.

Happy Downloading!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Some women wear niqabs to cover their facial identity for religious reasons.

I wear wigs and fake glasses to change part of my facial identity for fashion reasons.

So, what's the problem?

If the muslim women WANT to wear their face covering niqabs, let them. Nobody has stopped me from wearing a wig and my fake trendy red glasses but then again people have shown their disapproval of my glasses when I tell them their fake... Oh well...

But for the niqabs-wearing muslim women, I haven't heard any real con for them to wear it in their francophone class. Yes, it seems like common sense that to teach how to speak French to others, you'll probably most likely need to show your mouth and other facial expressions, but hey, they are up to challenge to do this with their niqabs on for the sake of their religion. Power to them : )

I don't think the professors have anything to worry about. If they really want them to take off their niqabs, then they can fail them or give them a lower mark if they don't do it and it's a requirement to show your face.

But if you're a professor, shouldn't you be able or at least willing to create a dual lesson plan and try your best to grade them in another way? Well, then again, I just finished writing up an essay on stress in the educational workplace and it mentioned that added on work is big stressor so, maybe never mind for my last suggestion.

Anyway, for the people who have no idea about what I'm talking about click the link on the bottom for the Montreal Gazette's online article:

And you'll see what I'm talking about.

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.