Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Certain songs hurt my ears...

When I have my earbuds in my ears that is...

For example Britney Spears' Showdown song makes my ears beg me to skip to the next song. I mean, I obviously like the Showdown song because why else would I have it on my Blackberry?

But some songs are like a piece of Heaven to my ears like

OC Remix's Ecco 2: The Tides of Time Medusa Mix.

I love the OverClocked Remix songs from that site <3
(And I do love Britney's songs too!)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Love Alyson Hannigan

She's so awesome.

From her Buffy The Vampire Slayer days, her American Pie days, right up to her How I Met Your Mother days, she seems to be an actress who understands the Hollywood ways without getting sucked into it's superficialness.
Of course my observations are only from how successful she's been on various TV shows and movies. And that I don't really hear anything terrible about her from Celebrity Gossip news.

I'm on Team Alyson Hannigan!

Go and become a fan of hers on Facebook or just view her awesome Google images!
Here's some below for your viewing pleasure:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So that's why churches don't like music bands...

Most bands want their fans to follow them around + be like them kinda like Jesus did which is cool and all since the word fan comes from fanantical.

But churches nowadays seem to get jealous if anyone follows anything that's not them. I guess it's a good thing for them that some dumb rule was made 1000s of years ago that they can use to guilt people into following only them. Follow the church and if u don't you're secretly Satan's child in disguise.

Not trying to diss anyone just saying what my perspective, life experiences and ego are telling me : )
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why do some people hate MTV's The Hills?

I've watched The Hills from it's first aired TV show straight through to it's 5th season with Lauren Conrad gone and Kristen Cavallari as the new star.

I added a comment to this Hills Hater web page and you can find it here:

Hate to Love Me: The Orleans Blog

Kim2theKiko's Christmas List of 2009

1. Jewelry, preferably silver
2. Gift cards, preferably at any pharmacy like Jean Coutu, Uniprix or Pharmaprix, or department stores like Zellers, Walmart or that other one that I can't remember. Oh! Even one for Futureshop or Best Buy would be awesome! Or Chapters/Indigo!
3. I want a cordless dust buster they're so cool!
4. A new large purse. My other one broke.
5. A new cover/case for my Blackberry Curve 8330
6. A makeup kit or a manicure kit
7. The Britney Spears Hits Collection. Yeah, I'm liking the little pop princess again
8. Or maybe The Hills DVD collection Volume 1-4 not all but one please ; )
9. Socks, I really need black socks
10. Energy drinks, I really like them especially if I'm working and going to school in the same day
11. Winter mittens or gloves, I can't seem to find my awesome pair from last year.

12. Lottery tickets, because they're so much fun to scratch around Christmas time
13. Fake French Manicured nails, yeah I started wearing them this year.
14. Oh yeah! To have all my family members happy and together for Christmas would be awesome too!
15. Oh yeah! Because I really love music videos could you have one of your little elves make me a Music Video 2009 compilation? Please check my new note called Kimmy's Music Videos.
16. A wireless radio, like the The Sanyo R227 from Tech toys for the bedroom
17. PC90X Extreme Home Fitness
18. Karaoke Set like from Walmart
19. James Bond Ultimate Collector's Set
20. Wii + Wii Fit Plus
21. EA Active More Workouts
22. BlackBerry Curve Charging Pod similiar to this one:
23. A new Blackberry case like from either Blackberry Curve 8330.