I love as a first-time Mommy, a woman, a sister and a friend. I work as an Infant and Preschool Educator. I live as an adult with dreams and you just met Miss Kimberly Joy ;)
I love The Legend of Zelda games! And Taylor Swift`s Love Story music video.
I need to make a list of why I love that game but I first loved the old 90's cartoon and when they took it off the air I focused my attention when I heard Nintendo was making it into a game. I fell in love with the graphics and the storyline of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past game.
Anyway, I just saw Taylor Swift's Love story music video and all I could think about was how I'd love it if the future Legend of Zelda live action movie had elements of Taylor's music video.
The music video is set in the time where royalty would have women dressed in those medieval dresses that I completely adore. At the beginning she's wearing one looking out of her castle for her Romeo.
I totally think in the future TLoZ movie the Zelda character should be similar to Taylor Swift's character in the mv. And Link should definitely look like the man in the mv as well. That guy sorta was drop dead gorgeous. With his short brown hair and jawline. I wish I was in that video. Also I noticed the time difference they portrayed in the mv. Where Taylor and the guy are in the 21st century and they kept switching back and forth to the century of medieval times. It`s similar to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time game except for it was only a 7 year difference.
Anyway, that was it for my rantings on what the future TLoZ movie should look like. They'll definitely be more posts about it in the future. Til next time, toodles!