Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Impaired driving remains the largest single criminal cause of death in Canada"

Just another reason why DRINKING + DRIVING is the WRONG choice...

If you have enough money to buy more than 3 hard liquored drinks or 6 regular drinks then you definitely have enough money to either call for a taxi OR pay for one night at the motel/hotel.

Here are some links that can show you how to get home safely after a night of drinking and some that give you an idea of the seriousness of making that potentially fatal choice:

1. Google's search on "How to get home safely when drinking"
3. Home Run, a net-game to help the drunk get home safely...
4. Getting home safely by
5. Trends - 2004 alcohol-involved collisions in B.C
6. Talk with your teen about making the right choice.
7. Google's search on "Victims of Drunk Driving"
8. MADD's Victim Services
9. Pictures of drunk driving related crashes on DUI, Chris was burnt alive... People have had their faces deformed beyond repair because of drunk driving related crashes...
10. For information on drunk driving, victim services, prevention programs, and support, visit the following Web sites... from Office for Victims of Crimes
11. What are the facts about drunk driving? another article from OVC
12. Stop Impaired

And if these articles didn't shake you maybe this article will by W-Five.
Every Saturday night W-Five has a story that will shock their viewers.
I was particularly interested in this one:
Fuelled by Alcohol by: W-Five's Chad Derrick
Click here for the original article
Updated Sat. Dec. 29 2007 6:49 PM ET

Chad Derrick , W-FIVE

Early morning, November 27, 2004. Seventy-year old Ion Mihaila is driving with his friend to a farmer's market near Newmarket, Ontario. Without warning, Mihaila's van is struck by an oncoming car. He dies instantly. Three others, including his passenger, are injured. Jeffrey Dressler, the driver of the car which set the crash into motion, is also sent to hospital.

Constable Tim Kuttschrutter of the York Regional Police finds Dressler there.

"I could smell the odour of alcohol," describes the officer.

Dressler was drunk. Constable Kuttschrutter says what happened was no accident.

"This is an act that he committed himself. He chose to drink and he chose to drive," explains Kuttschrutter.

What makes Ion Mihaila's death even more tragic is that his killer -- Jeffrey Dressler, had done it before. In 1996, after a night of drinking, Dressler veered his car onto the side of the road. A collision with steel guy-wires killed his passenger instantly. Dressler's blood alcohol limit had been more than three times the legal limit. He was convicted in 1999 of impaired driving causing death -- served two years of a four-year sentence -- and was soon back on the road.

For killing Ion Mihaila -- Dressler's second conviction of impaired driving causing death -- he was sentenced to 15 years in jail. Under the law, he could have received 25 years.

University of Western Ontario law professor, Robert Solomon, thinks there are many reasons why drunk drivers often evade charges and stiff sentences -- and continue to offend. Only a quarter of those who drive drunk and kill are charged with impaired driving causing death. And only a quarter of those charged with impaired driving causing death are actually convicted.

"I think that our society has tended to discount the seriousness of impaired driving. And we do that everyday and in every way. We keep on making excuses for alcohol and that takes a devastating toll in our society," says Solomon."

Statistics on drunk driving are sobering. Three Canadians are killed every day in car crashes involving alcohol. And despite police vigilance, the number of people killed each year - 1,200 -- hasn't gone down since the mid-1990s. Impaired driving remains the largest single criminal cause of death in Canada. And twenty percent of drunk drivers are repeat offenders like Jeffrey Dressler.

"There are so many obstacles to effective enforcement that a significant segment of police are reluctant to lay charges," Solomon explains. "Cases get dropped, the individuals raise questionable defences - it's a very frustrating business."

Still, police officers across Canada, like Sgt. Kevin Morgan of the Ontario Provincial Police, continue to check for drunks at roadside spot-checks year-round.

"There are a lot of drivers who we get one time only and they've learned their lesson from that. But again, there's a certain amount of the population that will just continue to drink and drive. Doesn't matter how many convictions they have," says Morgan.

So the victims of drunk driving, like Ion Mihaila, continue to pay with their lives. And the families they leave behind -- like Mihaila's children and grandchildren -- are sentenced to a lifetime of grief.
Fuelled by Alcohol by: W-Five's Chad Derrick
Click here for the original article

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dragon Booster, The Cartoon Show

I love this show... 'nough said.
I just found out that it's been cancelled.

Please sign this petition to have Dragon Booster return to the air waves where it belongs.

But before you do that, find out more about the show by visiting the links below:

1. Google's Search on Dragon Booster
2. Wikipedia, Dragon Booster
3. Dragon Booster Fan Site
4. The Internet Movie Database, Dragon Booster

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dreams of Fantasy's Blog Site Anniversary

Was last week on the 17th...

oops, I missed my own blog site's anniversary... Silly me...
Well, I was busy with work, packing for Mississauga for the holidays and stuff...ok?!

Seriously, it's been a whole year since I've decided to create my own blogsite... cool huh?

Check out my first posted-blog right here, and notice that the first thing I talk about has something to do with Nintendo. I'm gonna be a kid forever it seems.

Whoa, so much has happened this year... I'm gonna attempt to give a summary of what happened, so here goes:

From the month of January to the second week of April
I worked as a factory worker at Les Encadrements Apollon in Fabreville for up to 2yrs + 8months and I was attending People's Church in Deux-Montagnes up to 13yrs!

Parts of March
Was just depressing, or at least the re-start of it. Unfortunately I have what I'd like to call 'depressive cycles.' And when that happens I usually don't answer my phone/call people back; I tend to go to sleep @like 7pm wakeup @7am, watch a lot of TV which isn't a good idea especially when I'm depressed because my mind can't handle the information its receiving from the shows. I'll tend to look at the shows as if the TV people are perfect and then I wonder why I'm fat/ugly/have no friends/etc. Then I'll get out of my rut when I'm not emotionally/mentally ready and make friends with the wrong people in the hopes that I can find myself or have some fun. But then it turns out I took too many wrong turns. Then like a dream, somebody or something will wake me up and I'll realize, 'what the hell am I doing?' By then I start to call my friends, watch my shows knowing that I am an okay person with people who actually love me for me and exercise/eat properly and sleep properly... And then I decided to join the Witnesses (Jehovah's) to study the Bible for the month of March.

I started to work at Student Benefit Services and I learned so much about myself.

End of May to July
I moved in with my Mom. *I love you Mom! You are the most amazing person I've ever known. Whoever seperated you from me is a total psycho. It wasn't your fault like some people would like me to believe. You did the best you can to keep me and me knowing that is enough for me. I am truly a Daughter of Florence.

I had my wisdom teeth removed... I'll be missing that $420...ack. My two cousins from Toronto and Ista from Up North Quebec came down to visit, and one moved in not to far from us! No more planes to use, aye Ista? *Wink, wink... Then I was laided off from my job which I thought was close to perfection.


My birthday... ack... no comment... other than, I realized another year went by without any significant changes in my life. When you're growing up with your friends in elementary school and then high school, you get a feeling that you're suppose to grow at the same rate with them or at least have similar life changes as well. All my close friends had partners, whether it were a boyfriend, a husband or just a best-friend who was a guy that they lived with. Basically they all had someone to love them other than their mother/father. Then there was me... so once again my 'depressive cycle' began again. People said that all my close friends lives' weren't perfect either and that they probably had problems with money and dealing with the new changes in their lives. I was like, 'no duh! But I want to have the same problems that they were having with someone who loved me back...' and I couldn't understand why that special someone hadn't found me yet or I them... Unfortunately I still have that re-ocurring thought from time to time, and no, Jehovah's love hasn't filled that void. And I'm pretty sure it's in his plan for me to be with someone. Wasn't he the one that said that Adam needed a complement, a helper, a woman? So who do I get to complement? Oh yah, I had that thought in March also. As I'm typing this blog, I'm tearing up, so I guess its still a pretty important issue. But because I know who Jehovah really is and what he stands for, I'll wait forever for that special someone. Oh, yah I'm suppose to write what else happened in the month of August. I started to look for another job and got stuck with a strict telemarketing place which I won't name because I don't think they deserve to be named on my blog...

My God-son turned 1 yr. old! And I quit my God-awful job! And that was because I had a job interview at my brother-in law's place of work. What are people's problems? When I've been part of an organization for a while and a new person joins it, I tend to make them feel welcomed and try to get to know them better. If I like them, then great and if I don't I didn't need to worry because normally they'll make some new friends and spend more time with them and it will be easier for me to drift apart from them. At that last place people looked at me like I was one of Moses' plagues that he cast on King Pharoah with the help of Jehovah. Whatever, I shouldn't complain because I escaped and I'm never gonna see those people again. Mind you it wasn't everyone, but it was the majority. All I got to say is if you don't like what you see then look the other way dumbasses! LOL...

I didn't work for a whole month! So I studied my book, the Bible, hung out with my sister and watched a lot of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Regis and Kathy Live and the View.

My job as a Blue tester with my bro-in law was in full ledge mode. I was happy at my job (I still am of course!). Once in awhile I'd pray to Jehovah that I wouldn't mess up this opportunity. Well its hard not to especially when you've been disappointed in so many ways in the past. Its like you do expect to fail, you do except people to not accept you for no reason at all and then it comes as a crazy surprise that everything goes right in your life and you may mistaken that you're already in Heaven/the new Earth...

Now we're up to speed! I don't know if I blogged about this before but I do have an easy theory on how you can re-evaluate your life. First divide it into four main categories that are important to you. For example, for me its these 4:


And then figure out, by calculating, what is strong and what is weak. For example I used percentages to measure my life:

The percentages adds up to 100:
Spiritual: 35%
Mental: 25%
Emotional: 20%
Physical: 20%

So obviously I need to work a little harder on my emotional and physical well-being. Especially the emotional part. I've told countless people that I'm an emotional person. Frig, I have that Linkin Park song called Crawling and I listen to it almost everyday and it speaks to me because its close to my heart.

Oh yah, how did I get to those percentages you may ask from the above example, well I even divided those categories even more:

Spiritual: ---------------------------------------------------- 35%
-Go to Kingdom Hall: 13$
-Study Bible: 11%
-Attend spiritual classes: 11%
Mental: ----------------------------------------------------- 25%
-Advance English Vocabulary: 10%
-Educate myself on local + international events: 10%
-Reading in general: 5%
Emotional: -------------------------------------------------- 20%
-Socialize with good associations: 10%
-Watch/listen to uplifting shows or musc: 10%
Physical: --------------------------------------------------- 20%
-Eat healthy: 5%
-Exercise: 10%
-Healthy sex drive: 5%

Anyway, this is the method I use to re-evaluate my life once in awhile. And I'm feeling good... I don't really have any significant to write about December. Even though its not over I'm pretty sure something exciting will happen.

Post yah later my Kim2theKiko readers!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Under Construction

Yeah, I'm trying out a few things with my blog at the moment:

+I'm testing out if I should have a 2 column or 3 column blog
+Adding new widgets like the survey in the right column (What's your favorite color).
+Playing around with the layouts/editing the HTML...+ETC...

I apologize for the inconvenience but please be patient!

P.S: My one year anniversary of my blog is coming up in a couple of weeks!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Links Added by Request from Kim2theKiko Visitors

I recently received a comment based on my article How to Create a 3 Column Blog and I was asked, in Portuguese, to add the user's website on my blog site. So it'll be posted to the left of this blog site under "Links Added by Request."

So what I'm saying is if you have a link and you want me to add it on my blog, just ask and you may receive. Please keep in mind that I want my blog site to be affiliated with only PG-13 material. Thanks for understanding!Here's the first ever link added by request of a Kim2theKiko visitor:
The CresceNet is an Internet supplier that remunerates financially its users. Accurately this that you read, is paying you to connect. The CresceNet supplier, paid 20 cents for the moment of connection dialed with local linking for more than 2100 cities. It possesss a connection accelerator, that leaves its faster connection up to 10 times. Who uses broad band can also profit, is enough to register in cadastre itself in the CresceNet and when it will be to sleep to connect for dialed, it is possible to pay the ADSL alone with the profit of the dialed one. In the schedules of only pulse the expense with telephone is minimum and the remuneration of the generous CresceNet. It does not lose this chance. Click and starts here to profit right now from the CresceNet.
Unfortunately I do not know the beautiful language of Portuguese. But I have a handy website which translated the page for me! Visit this wonderful translating site called World Lingo then go to the right column under "Free Translation Tools" and select: Use our free online text, website and email translator, then select the Website Translator tab. All you have to do is copy and paste the link then say translate from Portuguese to English and that's it! And that's what I did for the CresceNet site as you can tell from the paragraph above, the English isn't that great but you can understand it at least!

Isn't technology cool?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Know the Signs of an Emotional Abuser - Update

Sorry Kim2theKiko viewers.

I actually violated the use of a copyrighted article.That is the reason why I decided to remove it from blog site.

To find out the definition on copyrightinglook here on Wikipedia and here on Google.

I send my apologizes to Mr. Andrew Vachss and his staff
who work hard at what they do.
Kim2theKiko viewers you may read the article on its original site:
You Carry the Cure In Your Own Heartby Andrew VachssOriginally published in Parade Magazine, August 28, 1994Click here for the original article.
For more information about Emotional Abusers you can check the 1000s of articles that are on the internet by using these Google search options:

1. Emotional Abusers
2. Victims of Emotional Abuse
3. How to Stop Emotional Abuse
4. Emotional Abuse in Marriage
5. Emotional Abuse From Parents