Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Impaired driving remains the largest single criminal cause of death in Canada"

Just another reason why DRINKING + DRIVING is the WRONG choice...

If you have enough money to buy more than 3 hard liquored drinks or 6 regular drinks then you definitely have enough money to either call for a taxi OR pay for one night at the motel/hotel.

Here are some links that can show you how to get home safely after a night of drinking and some that give you an idea of the seriousness of making that potentially fatal choice:

1. Google's search on "How to get home safely when drinking"
3. Home Run, a net-game to help the drunk get home safely...
4. Getting home safely by
5. Trends - 2004 alcohol-involved collisions in B.C
6. Talk with your teen about making the right choice.
7. Google's search on "Victims of Drunk Driving"
8. MADD's Victim Services
9. Pictures of drunk driving related crashes on DUI, Chris was burnt alive... People have had their faces deformed beyond repair because of drunk driving related crashes...
10. For information on drunk driving, victim services, prevention programs, and support, visit the following Web sites... from Office for Victims of Crimes
11. What are the facts about drunk driving? another article from OVC
12. Stop Impaired

And if these articles didn't shake you maybe this article will by W-Five.
Every Saturday night W-Five has a story that will shock their viewers.
I was particularly interested in this one:
Fuelled by Alcohol by: W-Five's Chad Derrick
Click here for the original article
Updated Sat. Dec. 29 2007 6:49 PM ET

Chad Derrick , W-FIVE

Early morning, November 27, 2004. Seventy-year old Ion Mihaila is driving with his friend to a farmer's market near Newmarket, Ontario. Without warning, Mihaila's van is struck by an oncoming car. He dies instantly. Three others, including his passenger, are injured. Jeffrey Dressler, the driver of the car which set the crash into motion, is also sent to hospital.

Constable Tim Kuttschrutter of the York Regional Police finds Dressler there.

"I could smell the odour of alcohol," describes the officer.

Dressler was drunk. Constable Kuttschrutter says what happened was no accident.

"This is an act that he committed himself. He chose to drink and he chose to drive," explains Kuttschrutter.

What makes Ion Mihaila's death even more tragic is that his killer -- Jeffrey Dressler, had done it before. In 1996, after a night of drinking, Dressler veered his car onto the side of the road. A collision with steel guy-wires killed his passenger instantly. Dressler's blood alcohol limit had been more than three times the legal limit. He was convicted in 1999 of impaired driving causing death -- served two years of a four-year sentence -- and was soon back on the road.

For killing Ion Mihaila -- Dressler's second conviction of impaired driving causing death -- he was sentenced to 15 years in jail. Under the law, he could have received 25 years.

University of Western Ontario law professor, Robert Solomon, thinks there are many reasons why drunk drivers often evade charges and stiff sentences -- and continue to offend. Only a quarter of those who drive drunk and kill are charged with impaired driving causing death. And only a quarter of those charged with impaired driving causing death are actually convicted.

"I think that our society has tended to discount the seriousness of impaired driving. And we do that everyday and in every way. We keep on making excuses for alcohol and that takes a devastating toll in our society," says Solomon."

Statistics on drunk driving are sobering. Three Canadians are killed every day in car crashes involving alcohol. And despite police vigilance, the number of people killed each year - 1,200 -- hasn't gone down since the mid-1990s. Impaired driving remains the largest single criminal cause of death in Canada. And twenty percent of drunk drivers are repeat offenders like Jeffrey Dressler.

"There are so many obstacles to effective enforcement that a significant segment of police are reluctant to lay charges," Solomon explains. "Cases get dropped, the individuals raise questionable defences - it's a very frustrating business."

Still, police officers across Canada, like Sgt. Kevin Morgan of the Ontario Provincial Police, continue to check for drunks at roadside spot-checks year-round.

"There are a lot of drivers who we get one time only and they've learned their lesson from that. But again, there's a certain amount of the population that will just continue to drink and drive. Doesn't matter how many convictions they have," says Morgan.

So the victims of drunk driving, like Ion Mihaila, continue to pay with their lives. And the families they leave behind -- like Mihaila's children and grandchildren -- are sentenced to a lifetime of grief.
Fuelled by Alcohol by: W-Five's Chad Derrick
Click here for the original article

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dragon Booster, The Cartoon Show

I love this show... 'nough said.
I just found out that it's been cancelled.

Please sign this petition to have Dragon Booster return to the air waves where it belongs.

But before you do that, find out more about the show by visiting the links below:

1. Google's Search on Dragon Booster
2. Wikipedia, Dragon Booster
3. Dragon Booster Fan Site
4. The Internet Movie Database, Dragon Booster

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dreams of Fantasy's Blog Site Anniversary

Was last week on the 17th...

oops, I missed my own blog site's anniversary... Silly me...
Well, I was busy with work, packing for Mississauga for the holidays and stuff...ok?!

Seriously, it's been a whole year since I've decided to create my own blogsite... cool huh?

Check out my first posted-blog right here, and notice that the first thing I talk about has something to do with Nintendo. I'm gonna be a kid forever it seems.

Whoa, so much has happened this year... I'm gonna attempt to give a summary of what happened, so here goes:

From the month of January to the second week of April
I worked as a factory worker at Les Encadrements Apollon in Fabreville for up to 2yrs + 8months and I was attending People's Church in Deux-Montagnes up to 13yrs!

Parts of March
Was just depressing, or at least the re-start of it. Unfortunately I have what I'd like to call 'depressive cycles.' And when that happens I usually don't answer my phone/call people back; I tend to go to sleep @like 7pm wakeup @7am, watch a lot of TV which isn't a good idea especially when I'm depressed because my mind can't handle the information its receiving from the shows. I'll tend to look at the shows as if the TV people are perfect and then I wonder why I'm fat/ugly/have no friends/etc. Then I'll get out of my rut when I'm not emotionally/mentally ready and make friends with the wrong people in the hopes that I can find myself or have some fun. But then it turns out I took too many wrong turns. Then like a dream, somebody or something will wake me up and I'll realize, 'what the hell am I doing?' By then I start to call my friends, watch my shows knowing that I am an okay person with people who actually love me for me and exercise/eat properly and sleep properly... And then I decided to join the Witnesses (Jehovah's) to study the Bible for the month of March.

I started to work at Student Benefit Services and I learned so much about myself.

End of May to July
I moved in with my Mom. *I love you Mom! You are the most amazing person I've ever known. Whoever seperated you from me is a total psycho. It wasn't your fault like some people would like me to believe. You did the best you can to keep me and me knowing that is enough for me. I am truly a Daughter of Florence.

I had my wisdom teeth removed... I'll be missing that $420...ack. My two cousins from Toronto and Ista from Up North Quebec came down to visit, and one moved in not to far from us! No more planes to use, aye Ista? *Wink, wink... Then I was laided off from my job which I thought was close to perfection.


My birthday... ack... no comment... other than, I realized another year went by without any significant changes in my life. When you're growing up with your friends in elementary school and then high school, you get a feeling that you're suppose to grow at the same rate with them or at least have similar life changes as well. All my close friends had partners, whether it were a boyfriend, a husband or just a best-friend who was a guy that they lived with. Basically they all had someone to love them other than their mother/father. Then there was me... so once again my 'depressive cycle' began again. People said that all my close friends lives' weren't perfect either and that they probably had problems with money and dealing with the new changes in their lives. I was like, 'no duh! But I want to have the same problems that they were having with someone who loved me back...' and I couldn't understand why that special someone hadn't found me yet or I them... Unfortunately I still have that re-ocurring thought from time to time, and no, Jehovah's love hasn't filled that void. And I'm pretty sure it's in his plan for me to be with someone. Wasn't he the one that said that Adam needed a complement, a helper, a woman? So who do I get to complement? Oh yah, I had that thought in March also. As I'm typing this blog, I'm tearing up, so I guess its still a pretty important issue. But because I know who Jehovah really is and what he stands for, I'll wait forever for that special someone. Oh, yah I'm suppose to write what else happened in the month of August. I started to look for another job and got stuck with a strict telemarketing place which I won't name because I don't think they deserve to be named on my blog...

My God-son turned 1 yr. old! And I quit my God-awful job! And that was because I had a job interview at my brother-in law's place of work. What are people's problems? When I've been part of an organization for a while and a new person joins it, I tend to make them feel welcomed and try to get to know them better. If I like them, then great and if I don't I didn't need to worry because normally they'll make some new friends and spend more time with them and it will be easier for me to drift apart from them. At that last place people looked at me like I was one of Moses' plagues that he cast on King Pharoah with the help of Jehovah. Whatever, I shouldn't complain because I escaped and I'm never gonna see those people again. Mind you it wasn't everyone, but it was the majority. All I got to say is if you don't like what you see then look the other way dumbasses! LOL...

I didn't work for a whole month! So I studied my book, the Bible, hung out with my sister and watched a lot of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Regis and Kathy Live and the View.

My job as a Blue tester with my bro-in law was in full ledge mode. I was happy at my job (I still am of course!). Once in awhile I'd pray to Jehovah that I wouldn't mess up this opportunity. Well its hard not to especially when you've been disappointed in so many ways in the past. Its like you do expect to fail, you do except people to not accept you for no reason at all and then it comes as a crazy surprise that everything goes right in your life and you may mistaken that you're already in Heaven/the new Earth...

Now we're up to speed! I don't know if I blogged about this before but I do have an easy theory on how you can re-evaluate your life. First divide it into four main categories that are important to you. For example, for me its these 4:


And then figure out, by calculating, what is strong and what is weak. For example I used percentages to measure my life:

The percentages adds up to 100:
Spiritual: 35%
Mental: 25%
Emotional: 20%
Physical: 20%

So obviously I need to work a little harder on my emotional and physical well-being. Especially the emotional part. I've told countless people that I'm an emotional person. Frig, I have that Linkin Park song called Crawling and I listen to it almost everyday and it speaks to me because its close to my heart.

Oh yah, how did I get to those percentages you may ask from the above example, well I even divided those categories even more:

Spiritual: ---------------------------------------------------- 35%
-Go to Kingdom Hall: 13$
-Study Bible: 11%
-Attend spiritual classes: 11%
Mental: ----------------------------------------------------- 25%
-Advance English Vocabulary: 10%
-Educate myself on local + international events: 10%
-Reading in general: 5%
Emotional: -------------------------------------------------- 20%
-Socialize with good associations: 10%
-Watch/listen to uplifting shows or musc: 10%
Physical: --------------------------------------------------- 20%
-Eat healthy: 5%
-Exercise: 10%
-Healthy sex drive: 5%

Anyway, this is the method I use to re-evaluate my life once in awhile. And I'm feeling good... I don't really have any significant to write about December. Even though its not over I'm pretty sure something exciting will happen.

Post yah later my Kim2theKiko readers!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Under Construction

Yeah, I'm trying out a few things with my blog at the moment:

+I'm testing out if I should have a 2 column or 3 column blog
+Adding new widgets like the survey in the right column (What's your favorite color).
+Playing around with the layouts/editing the HTML...+ETC...

I apologize for the inconvenience but please be patient!

P.S: My one year anniversary of my blog is coming up in a couple of weeks!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Links Added by Request from Kim2theKiko Visitors

I recently received a comment based on my article How to Create a 3 Column Blog and I was asked, in Portuguese, to add the user's website on my blog site. So it'll be posted to the left of this blog site under "Links Added by Request."

So what I'm saying is if you have a link and you want me to add it on my blog, just ask and you may receive. Please keep in mind that I want my blog site to be affiliated with only PG-13 material. Thanks for understanding!Here's the first ever link added by request of a Kim2theKiko visitor:
The CresceNet is an Internet supplier that remunerates financially its users. Accurately this that you read, is paying you to connect. The CresceNet supplier, paid 20 cents for the moment of connection dialed with local linking for more than 2100 cities. It possesss a connection accelerator, that leaves its faster connection up to 10 times. Who uses broad band can also profit, is enough to register in cadastre itself in the CresceNet and when it will be to sleep to connect for dialed, it is possible to pay the ADSL alone with the profit of the dialed one. In the schedules of only pulse the expense with telephone is minimum and the remuneration of the generous CresceNet. It does not lose this chance. Click and starts here to profit right now from the CresceNet.
Unfortunately I do not know the beautiful language of Portuguese. But I have a handy website which translated the page for me! Visit this wonderful translating site called World Lingo then go to the right column under "Free Translation Tools" and select: Use our free online text, website and email translator, then select the Website Translator tab. All you have to do is copy and paste the link then say translate from Portuguese to English and that's it! And that's what I did for the CresceNet site as you can tell from the paragraph above, the English isn't that great but you can understand it at least!

Isn't technology cool?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Know the Signs of an Emotional Abuser - Update

Sorry Kim2theKiko viewers.

I actually violated the use of a copyrighted article.That is the reason why I decided to remove it from blog site.

To find out the definition on copyrightinglook here on Wikipedia and here on Google.

I send my apologizes to Mr. Andrew Vachss and his staff
who work hard at what they do.
Kim2theKiko viewers you may read the article on its original site:
You Carry the Cure In Your Own Heartby Andrew VachssOriginally published in Parade Magazine, August 28, 1994Click here for the original article.
For more information about Emotional Abusers you can check the 1000s of articles that are on the internet by using these Google search options:

1. Emotional Abusers
2. Victims of Emotional Abuse
3. How to Stop Emotional Abuse
4. Emotional Abuse in Marriage
5. Emotional Abuse From Parents

Sunday, November 25, 2007

How to Create a 3 Column Blog

This article saved my Dreams of Fantasy Photos' life.

It's my favorite article because of its ease of reading it and applying its tutorial to create such a blog.

Hacking Blogger Beta: Building a Three Column Template
By: KumikoClick here for the original article

Note: Before you even attempt any of these steps, backup your blog template – just in case. Simply click the ‘Download Full Template’ link in the Blogger admin area to download it to your computer.

Step 1: Creating A Three Column Template

Note: These instructions apply to the existing Minima Templates in Blogger Beta yet the same principles apply to all templates.

The first thing you want to do is enter the ‘Edit HTML’ section for your blog through the Blogger admin area. Next, find this portion of the HTML (a simple, ‘find text’ search will suffice):

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: right;word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */

This bit of code defines the format of the sidebar for your blog which in the Minima Template is on the right. What we want to do is make a new sidebar with a new name (eg ‘new-sidebar’) and put it on the left hand side of the blog. Copy the code below and place it directly below the above code in your blog:

#newsidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: left;word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */

The next part is a bit tricky. We’ve added a new column, but we haven’t changed the width of your blog. Look just above the code we just inserted in your blog to the #outer-wrapper section. Notice that the width is 660px. Yet what we have at this point is (left sidebar + main + right sidebar). Or (220px +410px +220px = 850px). Therefore, we need to change the width of the outer-wrapper so that it can fit our blog. You can vary the widths depending on the design of your blog, but in this example we’ll change the width to 850px so that the outer-wrapper section looks like this:

{width: 850px;margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;

Now we’ve defined the columns in our blog but we still need to put them into the blog. Next, we want to find the *div id=’sidebar-wrapper’* portion of the text. Once again, a simple ‘find text’ will suffice. It should look like this:

NOTE TO THE KIM2THEKIKO READERS: Unfortunately, I had to replace the brackets: <> with these stars: * and * or else it would've messed up the html on my homepage. So wherever you see the stars: * and * replace it with these brackets <>. I apologize for the inconvenience but please read on:

*div id=’sidebar-wrapper’*
*b:section class=’sidebar’ id=’sidebar’ preferred=’yes’*
*b:widget id=’BlogArchive1′ locked=’false’ title=’Blog Archive’ type=’BlogArchive’/*
*b:widget id=’Profile1′ locked=’false’ title=’About Me’ type=’Profile’/*

This section adds the existing sidebar to the blog. We want to change it a little so that we are adding the newsidebar on the left. Also, Blogger won’t let us have the same two elements in both sidebars, so we want to remove the ‘BlogArchive1′ and ‘Profile1′ part of the code. Add the following newsidebar code directly above the *div id=’main-wrapper’* part of the HTML:

*div id=’newsidebar-wrapper’*
*b:section class=’sidebar’ id=’newsidebar’ preferred=’yes’*
*b:widget id=’Text1′ locked=’false’ title=” type=’Text’/*

Save it and that’s it!! Go to the ‘Page Elements’ tab and you should see three columns in your blog ready to be edited!

Hacking Blogger Beta: Building a Three Column Template
By: Kumiko Click here for the original article

Friday, November 23, 2007

5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence

I'm a bit paranoid about when I post a blog with a link, that after a week the link will direct my readers to a blank page. So now I've decided to just copy and paste the whole article and leave the link at the top of the page. At least if they changed the link, you still have the article.

So read on:

5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence
Matthew Stefanson
For the original article click here

Not feeling comfortable in your own skin?
With all of the various social, moral and romantic quagmires in today's society, it's easy to lose confidence in your own abilities. We've all been told for years that the only thing a man really needs is the confidence to do whatever he wants, and like so many of the things we consider to be cliché, it is actually true. But how does one attain this magical feeling of power? How is one to quell the rebellious mental demons that seek to destroy the tender ego? Well dear readers, I, the swami of self-assurance, will reveal to you the broad strokes of acquiring your own mojo.


Your outward image is the only way you can convince people you don't know that you are worth something. This doesn't exclusively mean your clothes, though they are a small part. It's how you carry yourself that really matters. Work on your posture and smile more; train your voice until you can be heard over a train. The only thing that matters is your attitude, so if you're even a moderately good actor, you can convince almost anyone that you're worth the effort. Maybe you can even convince yourself.


The most common problem with conversation isn't the boring topics that most people view as trivial; it's not having the charisma to carry those topics out into something unique. You can talk about the weather and be fascinating, you can extol on the virtues of Snapple cap fun facts and capture the rapt attention of everyone around you. The wonderful thing about conversation is, the more you try at it, the easier it is to figure out. And the more you figure out, the more of it you will do.

If you're someone who has a real problem interacting with strangers, then a good way to gain some social grace is to just start talking. Start slow and simple; a hello to the fellow bagging your groceries, or a good morning to the bus driver. Baby steps, folks.

Become Fearless

This one may sound like non-advice, but I'm not advocating confidence as a cure for a lack of confidence. If it was that easy I would have stopped there. What this means is that you need to identify all of your irrational fears such as: fear of rejection and fear of awkward pauses. These might make you uncomfortable, they might give you some butterflies, but the only way to gain confidence is to fight against your ridiculous fears and realize that they don't matter. Even if you do fail, even if you stammer out something without getting a favourable response, remember, it doesn't matter. The consequences of such a thing are so minimal that they have no effect on you. There is nothing to fear.


I know, this might be more than you bargained for, and how dare I mention a step that requires actual work? But this is one of the most important ways of gaining confidence in yourself and in your abilities. Something as simple as lifting weights or running on a treadmill can do wonders for you. The crazy thing is, it's not because you get in better shape, though that is a nice side effect. The point of this is to give yourself goals that you can attain. Try to run farther, swim more laps or add more weight to your routine. The ability to set goals and actually reach them is an incredible boost to anyone's ego. Your improvement is the best thing you can do for yourself. This leads me to the next item on our agenda.


The fact is that success is an addictive and evolving process. Every new victory gives you fuel to power you through the next hurdle. It doesn't have to be anything major. You don't have to be a captain of industry. Start with something simple; learn how to shoot a bow, take an improv class or become the world thumb-wrestling champion. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's important to you, it will help in your everyday interactions with the rest of the world.

you, but better

So there you have it. You might have noticed that at no time did the words, "be yourself," appear in this article. This is because it doesn't really work. Being yourself is a right you have to earn and can abuse once you've tricked someone into being friends with you. Your job for the first few months is to make yourself as interesting and wonderful as possible.

5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence
Matthew Stefanson
For the original article click here

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hope You've Been Exercising

Especially since all the Christmas parties are being planned at this very moment.

Whether it's a work party or a church event, get your body ready to digest all those extra calories. Just eating a bowl of salad at the restaurants is full of unneeded calories!

If you've been exercising already I suggest to add another 15 to 30 minutes to your workout! And for the couch potatoes, I suggest walking to work/school/or other place of regular duties instead of the car or bus. If walking is too long, just take a shorter bus ride and walking longer to work. Also taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a good idea and maybe even eating more breakfast (wake up earlier so that you can have time to prepare it) but eat less supper.And one last thing... please stay alive during the holiday festivities:

Be safe and plan ahead for transportation for the holiday parties please.
Drinking = NO DRIVING.
And if you do drink and you were the one who was suppose to drive your friends/co-workers back home PLEASE PAY FOR A TAXI. Yes I know you don't want to waste your money but think about it, is it really wasting money to save your life and someone else's? Don't be ashamed if you drank a little too much at the company Christmas party. It's worth it to leave your car at the restaurant and get it back in the morning.

If you want more tips about well-being during the holidays just check out the links below:

1. Healthy Holidays
2. Healthy Christmas
3. Healthy New Year's
4. Drinking and Driving during the Holidays
5. M.A.D.D during the Holidays
6. M.A.D.D

The Initials "dof" Mean a lot to Me

Read on for those who never knew...

At 16yrs old I had broken up with my first high school boyfriend. After the breakup it triggered a perception about a world that I've always wanted to live in. I tried writing a novel about it but I had too many ideas, maybe one day someone could help me with that. The world was suppose to be called "Dreams of Fantasy." This is the reason why I call my main blog Dreams of Fantasy instead of "Kim2theKiko's Blog." Kiko was one of the characters I created for the new world.

Also I am one of the "Daughters of Florence." Pretty cool huh? My best friend J.T and I came up with the initials (her's is D.O.A, Daughter of Anne). We would use these initials when we would pass notes to each other in the hallways in high school.

Oh, by the way we passed notes because we only had 4mins between classes to chat. Two girls can't talk for only 4mins!!!

So this is what D.O.F means to me...
And I thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Am a Morning Person 002

Just as long as I've had a good night's rest.

Here's my current schedule:

4:45 am: Workout with Maya
5:30 am: Breakfast
6:00 am: Shower/Clothes/hair
7:00 am: Clean room/check emails
7:20 am: Leave for work!
4:45 pm: Finish work
5:10 pm: Train back home
6:00 pm: Supper
6:30 pm: Getting ready to go out/stay home to relax

Compare this schedule with my April one.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

This Will Become My Career

I love my new job!Where I work is called eXplorance.

They are the founders of an entreprise software called Blue (software used only in business). Blue is a survey creating software. Think of it this way: Photoshop is a software program that you install onto your computer so that you can create photos, images, pictures etc. So Blue is a program that is installed in company computers (on the network though) so that they can create surveys. Companies need surveys to evaluate personnel, products and services so that they can find out their strengths and work on their weaknesses. They may use the surveys on their own employees to rate employee satisfaction on: paid vacation time, managers/supervisors, even satisfaction on the availability of parking or they use it on their clients to rate services/products.

My first week was great. I'm just learning how to run Blue. After my learning period is over, my job will be testing Blue. I guess you can call me a Blue Tester! Have you heard of those guys who get paid for playing video games? Well, what they're really suppose to be doing is testing the video game to see if there are any glitches/bugs. Then they have to write a report on these bugs to inform the video game creators to fix them. That is the jist of my job, test Blue, report bugs and inform the Blue creators what needs to be fixed.There is a lot to learn. Not only do I need to know how to run Blue, I need to know how to install it over a network, because it is a server based program and just understanding the server is a job in itself. My computer education is limited to just installation of the computer's hardware (building a regular computer from scratch) and software (installation and customization of the Operating System and various programs, for example: the BIOS, Windows, programs of Windows/etc).

I take the train to work which is better than driving. Instead of paying attention to the road, I can review my notes and read non-related literature.

I'm excited for my second week!
Well that's it for this post so this is me signing off!


Monday, October 22, 2007

Yourself! Fitness

Was a game originally made for the Xbox, back in 2005.

It comes in Playstation 2 and PC format too!So I'm in Mississauga during the Thanksgiving weekend and I noticed the Xbox in the guest room that wasn't reserved for me! (I had to stay in the basement, but it's all good). Anyway, I don't know anything about the Xbox, so I'm just going to assume that it had a hard drive in it because there was a long list of games in the menu. And of course "Yourself! Fitness" was the last game on the list but definitely not the least game. I tried it out and I fell in love right away.

Basically it's an exergame. Where you're introduced to Maya, your personal trainer, who explains pretty thoroughly what to expect. You create a profile by testing out your fitness level. You have to do jumping jacks, pushups and others like squats. You also have to inform Maya about your age, gender, weight, height and your physical lifestyle. After she gets all that valuable information, she will suggest a workout regime based on your goals, whether it may be weight loss, cardio or working on a specific body area. And just before you workout you get to choose which kind of environment you want Maya to workout in, the music you want her to move to and then the equipment you want her to work with. The equipement choices are weights, a stability ball, step bench or a heart monitor. If you have none that's okay too!And who wouldn't love a virtual personal trainer telling you to don't forget to breath, explain the movements of the exercise and encourage you to keep it up!?! Maya is so lovely and when I wasn't exercising I would wonder what she would show me the next time I'd exercise with her. She also keeps track of your progress too with charts and stuff!

The only con that I can think of right now is, when you do the fitness evaluation, don't start a workout right away, your muscles will be too tired to continue the workout.

And I remember wanting to get this game before on my laptop, but I hestitated to get it at the time. Now I'm telling you people not to hesitate! If you live in Canada and order the PC version from the Yourself! Fitness website, it will only take 2 full weeks to arrive at your doorstep! So don't wait! It's for anyone wanting to start exercising or revamp their workouts.Just visit the site for more info. Especially check out info about the meal plans. But it's more fun watching it from a friend's place.

And if you want to hear what others have to say Google it here: Maya The Personal Trainer

Monday, October 15, 2007

I Love Hanging Out with Family

I mean the ones who don't take advantage of you and stuff.

Anyway, Friday night I went out a friend to the Mad Hatter's Bar in Montreal on Crescent street. It's a cool bar, rocking atmosphere and the peeps there are alright. Just don't bring a jacket, unless you don't mind beer being spilled on it. I didn't find any hangers to hangup my jacket but whatever. Then I visited my sis @6am, luckily she was doing laundry at the time... It's always nice to have a key to friends/families' places. LOL.Saturday we slept in and then got ready to help move a friend around 6pm and got some pizza out of it! Sunday we did my hair and went to the Pierrefond's Kingdom Hall and later visited my Auntie and cuz for supper. I'm still hanging around the home but I'll be in the job world soon!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Speedy Update 1.00

Okay, it's Saturday morning and I'm not at work! Surprise, surprise...

Actually, I'm unemployed. No it wasn't another layoff, it was actually my decision. And no, there weren't any slamming of the doors, it was a quiet and calm get away. But because of the decision I made, I have to not spend more than $100.00 (on myself) during the month of October.I finally have a job opportunity where my schooling from 4 years ago will finally be put into action!


So, for the month of October, I'll be re-studying my notes, relaxing and whatever needs to be done.

So expect more bloggings soon!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

6 Ways to Avoid Burnouts

How do you avoid or deal with stress-causing burnouts?

I like to accompany it by eating, sleeping, being lazy and eating some more, until I can't take it anymore. And "it" usually means the following:

1. My room is in such a mess that I make a drastic decision to finally clean it
2. My loose jeans that are all of a sudden very tight I decide to finally exercise
3. Stay overtime at work so I can treat myself to shopping (and maybe actually save some more mula$$$)!

Hey, it can't all be just work and no play!
Anyway, this article may be more helpful, check it out:6 Ways to Avoid Burnouts

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It's My God-Son's First Birthday!

Happy B-Day Lucas ~~~+++___(.)___+++~~~ Happy Birthday Lucas!!!
Happy Birthday Lucas !!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

2nd Week @New Job

It looks like from now on I'll be diving into the "marketing world."

I'm at my second call centre job and it's not so bad. There are a few strict rules that I must follow to receive any commissions or bonuses that I may obtain. I'm not too sure how long I'll last, but so far its looking alright!Does anyone out there have any pros + cons/tips in working as a TSR (TeleSales Representative)?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

How To Search For Topic Specific Blogs

Ever wonder how you can search for people with the same interests as you on I just found one way and it is:

Use Google, duuuuuuhhhh!

For example, I wanted to search for blogs with Anime content on it. So I went to Google and typed,, anime. So obviously if you're looking for another topic, lets say, for cooking fish, I guess you can type,, cooking fish, and see what you get!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

No Sex for Meat Eaters

Is this generally true?Most vegans would not consider having relations with meat-eaters?Well read what this short article has to say about that hot topic:

Vegans shun sex with carnivores says researcher

Friday, July 20, 2007

I Felt Like Doing Nothing Until...

I found this interesting blogsite:

Look at the left where it says:
"View My Complete Profile"
and you'll find an author in the making.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Video Games Aren't The Same As They Use To Be

Most of my life, I heard people, mostly older adults, discussing about how video gaming is a horrible hobby. Of course, if you haven't noticed, I love Nintendo + all their games! So, when I hear that ignorance, of course I roll my eyes. But I have to remember that when I started playing video games, it was a few years before Super Mario Bros. was born! (Remember the Donkey Kong + Mario game where you had to jump over the barrels that D.K would throw at Mario? Now that was a game of agility if I may say so!). Okay, now games, especially RPG games, require 70+ hrs to finish the game completely. So that means, if an hour per day is played, it will take the gamer more than 2 months to finish it. So, for me, that would mean I would wait almost 3 months before buying a new expensive game. I do agree that some games are extremely violent. For me, I'm not into that, just like I'm not into graphic violent novels or horror movies. And for the people who are, they are able to enjoy viewing/reading/playing and still continue to live a normal life. So, what are we really judging? The game or our attitudes towards using it?Anyway, for me, by Grade 3, video gaming was a good part of my life. Yah, know how you would read an adventure book and get lost into the storyline? Well, it was the same thing for me when I played the series of The Legend of Zelda. I even remember telling my friends in high school that if Link were a real life person, that I would've tried to go wherever he went, the way a teenage girl would follow her favorite Backstreet Boy at every concert that was in her city. I had the posters all over my walls, inbetween classes I would draw the characters from all the games and had intelligent conversations with other classmates about how to beat certain levels a different way, etc.Maybe for me I had a balanced view on video gaming and also with the help of my dad, I still made time to clean my room, try to study, play sports and stay connected with my friends.Ok, so there were times when my friends would call in the middle of me beating a boss at the end of a certain level. They would chat away, with the phone inbetween my neck and shoulders, (I thank you my God for letting humans create headsets) I would concentrate at the task at hand instead of answering their comments. Some of my friends would get frustrated that I was paying more attention to the game instead of them. So they would try to get off the phone, but I would disagree and say, "I'm almost done, just keep talking!" But then they would win and just say that they will call back in an hour. I wouldn't even notice that they hung-up, but I would normally hangup the phone. There was even a time when a spider, yes, a spider was on my neck and I didn't notice until I scratched it off. But my brain realized that it was a spider, so of course I paused the game, freaked-out like a girl and try to find it and kill it. And of course I was playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Anyway, my point is, to all Gamers, KEEP A BALANCED VIEW OF YOUR GAMING! Or else more articles like this one will emerge: Is video game addiction a psychiatric disorder?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Google My Name and See What Happens

Seriously though!
Type in "Kim_2the_Kiko" or even "kim2thekiko."

Isn't it cool?

Update: 11.Jan.2008
Because my old blog was deleted (click here, here and here for more info about that!)
instead Google "Kim2theKiko" (without the underscores) and see what you get!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

C Yah Later!

I'm working double shifts + my vacation starts the first week of July. So, for my friends, I can see you on Sat/Sun or the first week in July, for my bloggers, c-ya till next month!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Where Did The Heat Go?

I'm wearing my red jogging pants, and wondering where the sun went...It's raining! Finally! I like the rain, so please stay another day. Gives me a chance to unwind. And for some reason all the muscles in my body relax to the rain...

I wonder why that is?

Friday, May 25, 2007

It's so hot, Hot, HOT!!!

Turn up those air conditioners! Don't have one? Buy one, or go to the cinemas or malls to cool down! Get those bottles from the Dollarama stores, fill them up with your fave juices and freeze them for about 2 hrs. Take them out of the freezer and wait 15mins, seriously it only takes 15mins in the hot weather before they melt enough to have a sip to drink. Relax in the sun, but don't fall asleep or else you'll look like a tomato or dark burnt chocolate!

How else do you guys keep cool?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I Wanna Work for Google!

Just kidding, I still wanna work for Nintendo, but I was reading Google's Philosopy.

Whoa, no wonder they're No. 1 in the search engine industry!I ended up on that site because I was interested in adding the AdSense link on my website from Blogger. And they explained that it was provided by Google. And also that Google bought Blogger! Nice huh? So I wanted to know what were the reasons why Google would buy Blogger for. Basically Google's Philosopy explains it!I so totally wanna know everything there is to know about Website Entrepreneuring (check here for entrepreneuring on websites from Google's results ), hey, I wanna be a Web Designer, so this stuff interests me.Posted by Kim_2The_Kiko at 10:15 AM 0 comments Sunday, May 6, 2007I Bought an Anime DVD Boxset Called, The Vision of Escaflowne.Yah, I bought it last Saturday. I remember liking it back in high school. I've forgotten how good it was. Just like the others, Gundam Wing, 8th MS Team, Megabots, Pokemon (first season), Digimon Digital Monsters, Monster Rancher, Cowboy Bebop, Pilot Candidates, Tenchi Muyo, Cardcaptor Sakura, Zoids, Sailor Moon, Trigun and others.Google anime shows, for more listingsSome of those shows, I had to watch @midnight til 2am every Friday when I had Cartoon Network. I remember Pilot Candidates being the one @1:30am and I would fall asleep during the intermission. Anyway, I've loved Anime + The Legend of Zelda since I was 10 + 7yrs. old.Oh, I just remembered something. The Legend of Zelda 13 episodes series ended when I was 7. I wanted so badly for the show to come back. So when I heard about the SNES game, A Link to the Past, I was excited about it. But after beating the game like 10 times, I yearned for the show to come back. I guess at 10, when I saw my first anime show (that I remember), Gundam Wing, I use to look for characters that resembled Link. That's probably why I liked Van from Escaflowne so much, I thought of them as similar warriors.So, my love of anime, stems from wanting to find Link? That's some weird psychological stuff there...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I Bought an Anime DVD Boxset

Called, The Vision of Escaflowne.

Yah, I bought it last Saturday. I remember liking it back in high school. I've forgotten how good it was. Just like the others, Gundam Wing, 8th MS Team, Megabots, Pokemon (first season), Digimon Digital Monsters, Monster Rancher, Cowboy Bebop, Pilot Candidates, Tenchi Muyo, Cardcaptor Sakura, Zoids, Sailor Moon, Trigun and others.

Google anime shows, for more listings

Some of those shows, I had to watch @midnight til 2am every Friday when I had Cartoon Network. I remember Pilot Candidates being the one @1:30am and I would fall asleep during the intermission. Anyway, I've loved Anime + The Legend of Zelda since I was 10 + 7yrs. old.

Oh, I just remembered something. The Legend of Zelda 13 episodes series ended when I was 7. I wanted so badly for the show to come back. So when I heard about the SNES game, A Link to the Past, I was excited about it. But after beating the game like 10 times, I yearned for the show to come back. I guess at 10, when I saw my first anime show (that I remember), Gundam Wing, I use to look for characters that resembled Link. That's probably why I liked Van from Escaflowne so much, I thought of them as similar warriors.

So, my love of anime, stems from wanting to find Link? That's some weird psychological stuff there...

Saturday, May 5, 2007 RULZ!!!

Now I remember why I call this one my main blogging site.

For example,, keeps closing on me when I try to add another school that wasn't listed. Can't it show a warning that it cannot complete the operation?And also,, only gives me warning pages! I added a picture to my profile, and I tried to view the larger image, but then a page comes up with "Oops, sorry we can't do that!"AGH! C'mon people! Get it right! Or I will get out!So, now, I'm gonna delete those pictures I've added, because I know I won't log on for a long while to those sites! Rules!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Dr. Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

“Get the facts, or they will get you, and when you get them,
get them right, or they will get you wrong.”
–Thomas Fuller

For more information about Thomas Fuller, google something like:
Biography of Dr. Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hyperlink an Image or Text

So instead of typing:
You can do this:

1. Click on the green circle with a chain icon above "Recover post"
2. Type in your link
3. Something like this should appear:
<*a href=""><*/a>
---Sorry I had to add the <* and the <*/a or else it would turn into the hyperlink---
4. After the (.com") and before the (">) type: (target="_blank")
5. After the (>) and before the (<) type (Hotmail)
6. So now it should look like:<*a href=""target="blank">Hotmail<*/a>
---Sorry I had to add the <* and the <*/a or else it would turn into the hyperlink---
7. The word "Hotmail," should now be underlined + highlighted when people view your posts!

Or go here for a better explanation: photobucket's How to create an image or texted hyperlink

One Week of Vacation

It ended yesterday when I had to go back to work...

Which is good, because I like + want my dough! So, I still kept my morning schedule but the last few days I've been doing the Spring Cleaning Thing. Dust, wash and vacuum. When you live in a "medium to big" sized home, you should probably do the major cleaning once a month. I tend to do it once every 4 months!

Oh yah, "T.O.M" visited (it was that "Time Of the Month"), so I did sleep some mornings and afternoons off too...Don't worry, I actually had FUN during my vacation...I went shopping in the afternoons and realized that the Dollarama Stores are amazing! Seriously, I think that you can find about 75 to 80% of things that you would need around the home. From toiletries to decorations (for holidays or around the home), food, toys, tools and more!

OH, remember Nair? The hair removal kit designed for women? They got that to! $1 for a 175 ml bottle. I saw the exact same product when I went to one of my favorite pharmacies for $5.99! No joke! I bought it for a dollar. I haven't used that stuff since high school! And it does work on legs with stubble. You just have to put like 3 layers of it on and then wait about 9mins (according to the bottle no more than 10mins). The bottle says 3mins, but stubble takes a little longer. Under arms took me 15mins! Be careful though, because it does sting a bit. Shower first, nair it on, rinse withOUT soap! Then wipe it off with a WHITE face cloth (it bleaches colored face cloths!). I do my arms, back (use a spatula on your back), chin (yes! I have weird facial hair there!), belly (yes, I have a masculine hair line on my stomach, gross huh?), bikini area, and last but not least, my legs. I tried the "moustache area." The bottle doesn't recommend doing it on your face. But with the "moustache area," put a thin layer and take off after the 3mins, because the hair there is normally thin. And it will burn if you wait longer! I guess the skin there is sensitive? Oh, another warning, wait about 45 to 60mins before putting on lotion +/deodorant. And when you put on your lotion, you'll smell the nair. That's the annoying part. But today is my third day without shaving anything, so I'm happy! If I miss any hairs, I just shave it off. I recommend it to people who don't have sensitive skin, who don't want to shave certain sensitive spots like the bikini area (razor bumps are so last decade, ewww!), have time to do it before bedtime and love the soft skin they have for days!

Other than that, I've been good + well rested up! Now its time to take charge, make some dough so I can take out my friends to Ocean Drive Night Club! There's gonna be belly dancers on Saturday night! Cool huh?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Am a Morning Person

As long as I'm not getting ready for work that starts @7:30 a.m.

Here's my current schedule:

5:45 a.m: Alarm to wake-up
6:00 a.m: Bible studies
7:00 a.m: Relax/surf Internet
7:35 a.m: Web Design studies
8:00 a.m: Breakfast
8:30 a.m: Shower/Hair
9:45 a.m: French Studies/Vacuum
10:30 a.m: Mini-Stepper
11:45 a.m: Clean room

Lunch, then leave early for job!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Angels Do Really Help Us

As long as you follow the: God/J.C/Holy Spirit codes of conduct...

Anyway, in all my other blogging websites, you might notice a difference, especially under the "employment" field. No more factory worker/labourer. Now, I'm officially a Call Centre Agent. Many people have many different opinions about Call Centre Agents. And I say, "WHATEVER!" I love my job, the people there are really nice, and it's been a month since I've started. I have excellent hours, and now I have time for myself in the morning. I'm a morning person as long as I don't have to get up to get ready for work for like 8am. My work starts in the afternoon and I finish @10pm. If I wanna hit the clubs I can without worrying, will I get to work on time?

Oh speaking of clubs, I finally went to Ocean Drive Night Club on Wednesday night. Which was probably a bad idea because I only had 2hrs. of sleep AND, I forgot to hand in a sheet (that we fill out every night @ my Call Centre job) and I had to come in on a Saturday to hand it in (I don't work on Fridays, yah that's right, every Friday is party night! Okay, maybe not every Friday night)

Anyway, life is sweet right now.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Put in Your Eye Drops Right Away!

Or you can forget about having a nice peaceful night.

After the laser eye surgery they suggest to put in your eye drops every hour! Let's just say I won't be making that mistake again. Anyway, forget about TV/Computer viewing/Reading, yes reading for the next 24hrs. All the laser eye doctors want you to do is sleep! Let's see, oh yah, the next day was perfect! The fog from my eyes disappeared, which made it hard to watch anything anyway the day before and my eyes felt a little irritated but, nothing big. Just keep putting in your eye drops and you'll be fine.I may not be wearing prescription glasses anymore, but I still need to wear sunglasses when I step outside, even when its dark.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Today Will Mark a New Era...

Where the cosmos will collide...
New beginnings start now...
There's a place and time in a woman's life
Where she must make the ultimate choice.
To wear or not to wear prescription glasses anymore.

This day has finally come, and I'm over-excited...
I'll be needing your prayers/luck/blessings, etc.
Don't be scared for the world may shift today.
(Between 1:00pm - 2:15pm)

Please welcome the new me.
Cross-reference Laser Eye Surgery Yay or Nay?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dating Service for Celebrities

I have this idea, it's probably illegal, maybe they sell it on the black market...
So what's with all the celebrities divorcing/breaking up?
Why don't they pay people to date them? Seriously, there should be this dating service where they get to pick out a person from a catalogue and sign some kinda 3month/6month/1year contract to pay the agency.

They spend $1500 a night at hotels when they've picked up someone from the bar. It's not like they wouldn't do it. Yah it seems embarrassing to pay someone to date you, but the agency would add some discretion/privacy.

People may even argue about the relationship wouldn't be real. Honey, more than enough celebrities walk around with only 20% of what God gave them at birth!
And the only way for the employee to get fired/let go would be if they told anyone which celebrities paid them to date them. Sold information about the celebrity that they were paid to date. Or if they slept with the celebrity, because that would constitute prostitution. Or if they wanted to marry the celebrity. And if they marry, the agency should get some kind of bonus or something. And for the agency to make a perfect match, the celebrity would under go a few psychological tests, character/trait tests, a survey of what the celebrity is looking for, etc.

I guess you really have to be a certain kind of person to seek employment like that. Also the celebrities would pay extra on certain criterias like, do they want the person to cook/clean/babysit for them.

Sounds crazy, they probably already have it, oh well, tell me what you think!

Yah, I Enjoyed Spring This Afternoon!

I decided to go rollerblading.

And from what I remembered about last year's Spring's rollerblading, I sucked at it! But today I was awesome. I was able to go fast without tripping/falling. Ummm, I wore an ugly helmet, but hey it's a good idea to wear one. Because at least with a bike you can jump off, but the rollerblades are kind of stuck on your feet. I've had the same rollerblades since I was 13 yrs. old. And no, I never ever changed the wheels. I think I'll just buy a new set. It's more fun exercising outside on a nice day than exercising inside watching TV. I listened to my iPod to make it even more fun. I'll only rollerblade during the day. I'm kind of afraid of the night, I don't wanna get run-over by a garbage trucker. Yikes! When the cars would come by I would run on the grass. And that was a easy thing to do. It looks kinda funny when you don't do it properly. After a half an hour I noticed my left side was hurting, so its best just to rollerblade slowly or walk it off. You need the grass to walk, its a bit difficult to walk on the ashalt.

Oh, when you exercise like that and you haven't done it in awhile, here's a list of things to have handy: Have a small school/sports bag to carry the following:

  1. Cellphone - Just in case you hurt yourself and need a taxi or someone to pick you up
  2. Money - for the taxi
  3. A quarter for the phone booth if you don't have a cellphone or the battery dies
  4. Anti-bacterial soap - just in case you grab a pole in the ground to stop you and there's slime or gum on it, ew!
  5. Home address/Picture ID, just in case you pass out (Ok, I know, that's a bit extreme)
  6. And a nice half frozen water bottle - I put a bit of juice in my water bottles to keep them tasty
Hope that list helps you get started! Oh yah, today, I wore a tunic shirt (find them at Le Garage), a full zippered hoodie-shirt with sleeves, and a Spring jacket to cover myself. When I got hot and sweaty-like I just unzipped the jacket and hoodie half way.

Anyway, just figure out which Spring/Summer activity you like, thre's ton out there!

Here are some websites about Rollerblades/Rollerblading:

Or just do a search on anything about the following:

  1. Rollerblading,
  2. Rollerblades
  3. Pros + Cons of Rollerblading or Inline Skates
  4. Exercising with Inline Skates

I Love Having 2 Jobs

I haven't officially quit my first job yet, but it's in the works. Okay this is how I feel about working at my 1st job. Dealing with the employees, is like playing the first 20 levels of a video game and finally getting to the boss to destroy him. Everyday I feel like I have to redo the 20 levels and finally slash that enemy to the death at the end of my day! When someone confronts me while I'm minding my own business + working, I just envision them as one of the baddies from The Legend of Zelda games (I love Zelda in all shapes and forms). Each person who is negative with me has their own baddie. For example, my supervisor is Ganon and the lady who works in front of me is a moblin. Teehee!

Anyway, I don't feel so useless anymore (read blogs from Nightmares of Fantasy). I don't go home @suppertime wondering if any of my "friends" will call me. There's only one friend that I call and has time to chat. Some of my other friends use the Internet to chat. I'm more of a blogger, and besides when I'm on the net I'm looking for reviews for stuff to buy, like the latest hair removal products: Sally Hansen's Spray-On Shower-Off spray can. Apparently you spray it on your body, wait 3 minutes, no wiping or spreading needed, then just shower it off. I would love to use it on my hard to reach places like my back! Google it and see a more detailed explanation.

After my second job which ends @10pm, I've been bar-hopping more. The past two weeks I went to a Karaoke 80s Rock Lounge which I didn't know we had just 15 minutes from my home. I'm not much of an alcoholic, but I do love to dance. And its awesome, they play 2 karaoke songs (which are the 80s Rock songs that people get to sing to the lyrics on this big screen TV), then they play 1 latest dance music video. So when the karaoke is on, I'm sitting, drinking, on my palm surfing the Internet, (yah I connect to my wireless connection from home, I didn't know it could go that far! But the signal is weak, it only shows 2 bars out of 5. Make sure your wireless connection has a password or else your neighbors can go on the Internet for free and slow down your connection time!), watch the singers and sing along. But when they play the music videos I get on the dance floor! I only stay for 2 hours and I go only once during the work week.

I'm liking the freedom and the extra cash to save which I just started to do today!
Life is sweet and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it. Because I've just proven a lot of people wrong by looking for a second job and feeling comfortable staying at it too.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm Totally Gonna Quit My Other Job...

If the second job likes me and I like it.

If I want to work two jobs, then why don't I just work a double shift at the second one? I won't have to worry about driving, because I'll be in the same building! Anyway, training has been going very well, and tonight we might use the phone dialers and call actual people! Ah! I'm so excited! Anyway, I'm at my first job and all the toilets are clogged... (Yah, except 2, which are near the entrance of the front door). Ummmm, which job do you think I'll keep?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Got My Call For The Second Job!

I start training this Monday! I'm so excited!!!! A lot of people don't believe in me to keep this second job and have a life.

Here's my schedule:

First Job:
Mon to Thu, 7:30am - 4:00pm, Fri, I end at 2pm
(I had to ask my boss to leave @4 instead of 4:30pm)
Second Job:
Mon to Thu, 5:oopm - 10:00pm, Sat (optional), 11:00am - 4pm

If I drive home to my Dad's home, it takes 30mins to get home. So that means I'm in bed just before 11pm. Whereas if I live with my Mom, I would get home at 10:20pm. So the idea is if I stay at this second job and they wanna keep me, I'll be staying at my Mommy's!
She seems to be the only one who believes that I can keep the two jobs. Oh well, I guess its all about the people you talk about this stuff with... If the second job is weighing me down, obviously I'll quit either my first job or the second one.

I didn't go to college and I hardly have a savings, so why not? I'll finally have more money to save and use it for: a NEW car, school, laser hair removal, etc. I'll keep yah posted!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

eBay User, Grey's Anatomy, Second Job

That's right, I've crossed over from the mall, Internet, to eBay shopping! Anyway, I don't know if you can contact me through, but my username is the same (Kim2theKiko). So far I've bought 4 purses, received 3 and one DVD of creators of The Legend of Zelda (Japanese only). Anyway, just be careful using it. If you are buying and your living in Canada, make sure the price says "CAD."

I borrowed the Grey's Anatomy DVDs (Season 1 + 2). It oddly reminds me of Desperate Housewives especially when McDreamy's wife comes back. I like DHs but that's not the point. I love Dr. Grey. It's interesting how most main characters from different TV shows have a little bit of everybody's personality mixed in with their own.Oh, yah, Laser Eye Surgery, I only have 3 weeks left! No makeup, no heavy physical stuff and for awhile. All I want to do is more major life changing things like that. Maybe I'll go for laser hair removal... then maybe buy a new car... but then to do all these things in one year I'd have to get a second job. So how would that work? My other job ends @4:30pm, so the 2nd one would have to start at 5:30pm (I need time to clean up and travel time) and hopefully end by 11pm.

Here are some links to be able to handle a 2nd job:

Picture Section Updated!

Yah, I'm so good! The pictures are ready!Check them out at Dreams of Fantasy Photos
Posted by Kim_2The_Kiko at 8:38 PM 0 comments

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Update 1.00

Yah, I'm working on my Dreams of Fantasy Photos
The pictures have been removed but they should be posted by the end of March.

Until then, post yah later!

Friday, February 23, 2007

I Haven't Felt This Way Since The Fifth Grade

Whoa... Someone who I thought knew me a little has stopped speaking with me. I use to talk with this person almost everyday. Whenever I needed to vent about work, I would tell them what happened. When I wanted to share some cool information that I researched off the Internet, I would share it with them. Maybe its me and I'm changing into this crazy, superficial jerk of a person. So after a day turned into two weeks of not hearing from this person, I started to take it personal. People were even asking me, "hey, Kiko, where's your friend that you're in love with?" I would just reply with a, "Maybe they needed a break, I don't know," and just shrugged it off. So, I decided to ask what was the matter... This part gets interesting... They told me that some of the things I say gets "under their skin..." Okay, alright. I am quite loud and obnoxious sometimes, but hey that comes with the package! This person, which I'm not to sure if I can call them a friend, again, is really into the music scene. They want to start their own band and stuff like that. They even have a demo on their MySpace page. So, just as a little joke I said, if you want to be a rocker, why don't you dress like one? That set them off, I guess I took it a bit too far. I watch shows from MTV/MuchMusic who dedicate their stations to popular music. And I used the example that there's a big difference between singers like Britney Spears + Metallica in the way they dress. Try and think, singers or bands that sing similar to Britney Spears tend to dress similar also, and the same goes for Metallica type bands, no?? Normally, from what I understand from these music TV shows, the agents tell the singer how to dress. This person who was offended by my comment said they will dress the way that they want. Okay, whatever, I'm not saying you have to change, but isn't dressing for the part kind of like advertising if you want to get noticed? That's it, I'm through with helping people in this department because apparently this person said that if I said that to their friends that they would look at me weird and walk away...

Okay, walk away then. Or at least help me see the error of my ways. You don't have to agree with everything I say. Yes, I know I was "labelling" you, but it wasn't in a negative sense.

So, I guess this means good-bye. Because I'm not going to "cherry-coat" everything I say.
And I'm not going to walk on eggshells for you either.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Greek Party!

Once a month, on a Saturday, I go to work to clean the offices. While I was there I was invited to go to some annual carnival of the Greek Brotherhood party. So I go somewhere in Laval across from an IGA where there’s a hall. It looked pretty expensive. To get in was $35, but my friend paid for me. There were about 20 tables with at least 7 people at each one. It was a little formal, so I wore my favorite black skirt. Darn, I have to remember to get people to take pictures of me so I can post them on my blog! I have a head shot, but that’s not exciting if you don’t see what I’m wearing. For supper I had an appetizer, salad, grilled chicken, which was delicious, shrimp, and some vegetables. There was Greek folk music, some of the music was modern too, and everyone young and old were doing their traditional Greek dances. A guy in some kind of uniform was decorated as a colorful horse, who had confetti throw on him from us. Oh, I have a picture of that of course! Around 1:30 am, yes, AM, they were raffling off cool prizes! I won a 110$ necklace! Cool huh!? I got home at about 2:30am. It was an interesting and festive night.

And I hope to do it again soon!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Strange Dream Last Night

I had an argument with my Dad. We were sitting at the dinner table and my two childhood friends, "Jen + Janis," were at the table. After hearing a sarcastic remark from my father, I went balistic and told him that my mother would never say anything that cold to me ever. So I storm into my room and start packing a suitcase. I notice that my green suitcase is already half full. I seem to be calm and know what I have to pack. I start at my computer stuff (CDs, DVDs, Music, iPod, Laptop, etc). Then both my friends come in my room. They're standing inbetween my bed and my TV. And they're telling me what my Dad said after I went to my room. "If you leave, he'll go back to the way he once was. And he needs you so he won't go to that bad place again." Strange. I woke up for like 2 seconds, and I thought to myself, if I move out he's gonna die? After closing my eyes, my dream continued and my Dad apologized by making me my favorite meal. We don't say "I'm sorry," in my family. We just calm down and then do nice stuff for each other. I guess that's the same thing.

Anyway, I was amazed at how vivid the dream was. How every moment flowed as if it was really happening...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

It Took 6hrs. to Cut + Unbraid My Extensions

Back to the 'fro!

I only keep the hair braid extensions in for about 2 months. After awhile I missed combing my hair. So last night I finally finished cutting my extensions. So, before bed I always braid my natural hair so I'm able to comb it the next morning. My hands were sore from unbraiding, so I just braided half my natural hair... At least I can decide if I want to braid the rest of my hair or unbraid the hair in the back and make an afro!

Hope I didn't confuse anybody!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Don't Eat Chocoloate Before Bedtime

I thought parents just told their children that so they wouldn't be hyper and not fall asleep...

I had one "Cadbury, Creamy Caramel Truffle, The Hershey Company" before bed last night and I had a nightmare about a child's fresh corspe in my garbage... Pretty sick if you ask me. At least at the end of my nightmare I was able to call 9-1-1 and get help.

So, to prove this theory true, about the connection between chocolate and nightmares, I just ate one last Cadbury truffle. I just hope I don't have any dreams tonight!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

After 18 or 21yrs. old, Find a Family Doctor

If you don't already have one that is...

Remember my other post about me fainting at work? Well, the next day I went to visit my "Clinque de Jeunes" (Clinic for the youth). Apparently they kicked me out and told me to go to my family doctor. I was like, I don't have one. And they said, you're an adult, go find one! So I went to the nearest walk-in adult clinic. I asked for a list of doctors in my area, and they said, no. We can only do that if you have a doctor, and we give you the list for your doctor to check and refer you to another doctor.

Whoa, I think I just went in a circle with these people.
Both of those clinics were just a 10 minute walk from my house. Now I have to travel 40 minutes by car to see this really nice doctor who speaks English!

Anyway, I guess the best way to search for a Family Doctor or a GP (General Practitioners) is to ask the right people, search in the yellow pages or the Internet. I was lucky, I have a family member who works in the medical field, and they searched for the family doctor for me...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another Nice Family Reunion

Last Saturday (January 20th 2007)

My sis, Daddy J and I went to visit my auntie and her two sons. Pretty cool! My sister made some kinda cool Bible board game that my cutey-patooie cousins liked. Nothing happened other than me falling asleep in my cousin's bunk bed. The top bunk is his bed (duh...) but there's no bed on the bottom... It's just a place for him to hang out in. There's a small drawer that he can use as a table and a blanket covers the area to make it look like a fort. So, my bDad and my sis had to get a ride home from my auntie.

Oh by the way "Daddy J" is what I call my biological father.
So, "Daddy D" (which sounds so much cooler) is the father I currently live with.

Last night (January 24th 2007)

I went to visit this lady who is friends with my sister. She doesn't speak a word of English, only French and Romanian. And I only speak English and... well... English...
Anyway, with her help and the help of my MSDict's French-English dictionary software on my Palm Pilot, we were able to communicate enough to just understand each other.

I love Technology...

Right now I'm watching the movie "A Scanner Darkly" with Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder and Woody Harrelson. Here's the description: "From the Dir. of School of Rock. An undercover cop gets too involved with the drug addicts he's supposed to be tracking." It's cool. The actors have used the "blue screen" technique to make it animated.

Friday, January 19, 2007

What To Do If A Co-Worker Faints

Definition of fainting:
First Aid for fainting:
I love my peeps at work. So, I guess I won't be leaving anytime soon!

Just before my 3:00pm break I fainted.
Yeah, fainting... is kinda embarrassing, but what can you do (other than fall, lol)?

I can't think of a logical explanation other than my emotions caused it.
I eat all 3 meals everyday, I've been exercising regularly for the past two weeks. Guys n'Gals, I have no idea why I would do that?! Someone at work said maybe its depression?? But I've been feeling good lately... Whatever, I'll be going to my local clinic this afternoon.

Well, we all know I work in a factory. So, just imagine all these boxes and stacks of wood around me and my station. I was kinda angry yesterday and I did cry in the bathroom for 20mins. (Oh, so I guess I wasn't feeling all that great yesterday at work and it was that time of the month!...oops) I was working really fast because the first part of the morning I was working in the office, so I wanted to catch up with my orders. Well, when I finished my second order, I felt pain in my abdomen, closed my eyes and fell. I knew I was falling, but when I hit the ground, I was out for less than a minute I think. It didn't take long for my working peeps to come to my rescue. So, I'd like to congratulate them! I didn't hit my head hard but, apparently I was smacked in the face to wake me up. Oh, I had my headphones on listening to music. And the last song I was listening to was Lindsay Lohan's "I Live For The Day." So, when they were yelling at me, I couldn't hear them. But I did unplug my headset from the iPod, while a co-worker took the headset out of my ear. I was walked to the office where there's a couch so I just lay there until I thought I was ready to go home.

The End.

Thanks again you guys n'gals!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Testing - Smileys/Icons - Testing

I love "smileys" I've been searching for some to download and insert into my blogs to make my blogs a bit more interesting. Anyway, the best place, like always for me, is downloading programs from and type in the search engine something like "smileys," "icons" etc.

Okay, so it looks like my favorite "smiley" programs are these two:

-Get Smile Demo, by Sofrayt Ltd. = $19.95
+This one is a software program that organizes the icons into categories
-Emoticons = $1.00 for 1500 emoticons
+This one just gives you the 1500 icons in one folder

I bought the one for a dollar and separated the icons into
13 folders of about 114 icons each. Its easier to organize them that way.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Stand Up For Yourself

It feels really good!

Since January 10th 2007, I've been outspoken, brave and different in a lot of ways. I don't just run to my friends and whine about the annoying person at work. I tell the person at work that they're annoying without being shy about it. Last Sunday at church, I sorta meet this person (we didn't introduce ourselves) who was swearing and whispering during the sermon. After the sermon was over, the guy started talking about beliefs that weren't in the Bible. So, I tried, with my friends, to show him what was what. But he didn't listen. That's cool, because I'm pretty sure I intimidated the guy, because he told me to f* off.

(Read/listen to Lindsay Lohan's song "Speak")

Maybe because I'm getting older
Maybe its because I have no more space left inside to take your crap!

All I know is, "World" get in or get out of my way!

*Kim2theKiko winks and blows kisses...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hey! Woman! Save Your $$$!!!!

*Kim2theKiko lowers her head looking at something...
"But I love it! And I can't live without one!"

I bought a new Palm Pilot! Its the TX + wireless keyboard one!!! *Drool...* It only has 128mb of storage to install my favorite programs (but that's enough for me, because I have a 2GB card)! I had a "refurbished" LifeDrive that I bought 8 months ago, which just all of a sudden died on me!!! DON'T BUY ANYTHING "REFURBISHED" UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEING REFURBISHED!!! I think there was something wrong with the "Main Memory" (where you install programs, and its normally in: 64MB, 128MB + 256MB sizes). I couldn't install more than 3 programs on the main memory of the LifeDrive! So I decided to install on the 4GB hard drive, but that storage is just for your documents/data/mp3s! Remember, this was a refurbished LifeDrive. If I bought a new one, it probably would've installed my programs on the 4GB hard drive/main memory. WHATEVA! I got a new Palm Pilot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

I Love You All

Dear Friends + Family,

Sometimes I can be a pain, but sometimes I can be great.
And the same goes out to all of you too!
So I just wanted everyone to know that I love you all!

*Blowing kisses + giving hugs to all of you!

...(Short + sweet + straight to the point)...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Laser Eye Surgery... Yay or Nay?

Laser eye surgery sounded like fun at first. No glasses, or contact lenses to wear forever! I have an appointment coming up soon and its suppose to be for three hours! Yikes! I hope they don't anal-probe me! (Yes I know, that was a bad joke.) Anyway, I think I might cancel the appointment. Or go to it and tell them I'm too scared. Apparently by the time I'm 45yrs. old, I'll be needing glasses anyway + I might not have 20/20 vision + Something may go wrong and I won't be allowed to drive without glasses???!!! Basically, I'm gonna say "nay" because of the risks/complications involved and amount of money I will end up spending. My glasses don't cost that much and I could probably buy a used car with that money!

I have the appointment with this company:

Here are the links I visited to do my research:


For Google Search type this: "Pros and Cons of Laser Eye Surgery"

Hey! When dealing with some guy cutting things that shouldn't be cut, I wanna know what can go wrong!

I Work In a Canvas Factory

I thought to myself tonight and realized, I don't talk about my work on my blogs. That's probably a good thing. I guess I just want to keep it professional. But yah, I work in a place where we make canvasses, easel kits and stretch paintings. If you want more information our website is:

Come and check us out!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Saw The Commercial for ICS Canada

Go here to know what it is all about:

It was on channel 261's "Vision" (For all you Bell Expressvu subscribers). After the 7th Heaven show ended, it came on right away. And they had the list of the different courses and a toll-free number. I saw it at 5:56 p.m last night or Monday, I forget which night it was. I was very proud to be a part of it. I'm trying to get my degree in the "Computer Graphic Artist" field. Okay, I'm way to excited about this, so I gotta go!

Til next post!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

A Fun + Busy Weekend, and its Still Not Over

I went to visit my cousin who flew in to Montreal. He was staying at a relatives' home. We went to get his laptop which was being repaired at: Then we went to my sister's to visit for a bit. It was his last day and I think he had fun. He lives so far up north that there's NO McDonald's Restaurant/trees. There's just a lot of snow.

My cousin flew back home and I continued to visit my sis. We just hung around her home and waited for a call from her husband so we can hang out at their friends place to play on the fouse-ball table. We had pizza + a good chat and then we watched Dog Whisperer. That show was weird for me to watch at first. But the dog whisperer guy made so much sense. When raising a dog, you basically have to raise it like a child. Oh, it's a show about how to take care of your dogs properly. Its fun to watch!

And today... let's see... I guess I'll be going to church, rest at home, watch some movies, chat with my Internet buddies and call some more friends to wish them a happy New Year.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Blogging + Chatrooms = Trouble, (sometimes)

Just be careful when blogging or using chatrooms.

I haven't used a chatroom (like going online every night) since I was 16yrs old. They're fun, as long as you're in control. Here's a link on keeping your children/friends safe: ChatDanger. Anyway, the general, regular chatrooms are so much better than the ones you have to pay for if yah wanna look for a relationship. I'm using Paltalk, I don't recommend it, but its the only free one I'ved tried so far. Oh yah, my username is: kim_2the_kiko... So, check me out!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Yeah, I Really Do Have Friends...*(cough) loser...

At the last minute, a cool friend called and invited me to a party. I wanted to go clubbing, but yah know, beggers can't be choosers. Meet some cool people did some cool stuff and I took a cab ride with some nice girls and stayed at their place. I waited til 2 in the afternoon (to wait for all the drunks to get off the road) to finally go home!

So, all in all, I had fun!

Maybe next December 31st I won't whine so much!