Kim2theKiko's Music Video Pick

Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007... Here We Come!

All I'm saying is that I woke up early so I can look pretty for tonight! Clubbing was never this hot! Maybe tomorrow when I'm recovering from the partying, I'll post some photos! Oh, I'm just gonna go clubbing "toute seul," and don't worry, I don't drink that much. I can have fun without the alcohol and I wanna remember my first night into 2007!

So, have fun for all who particapate in this long, overdone ceremony of hi-jinx and silliness!
Let the parties begin!!!
Dial #TAXI if you live anywhere in Canada! It's a new thing with the MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING (or any kind of driving under any influence)...

C-ya wouldn't wanna be yah!
*As if, that's like sooooo high school!!!Teeheee...............

Ok, so much for 2007 celebrations

Hey, I don't go clubbing a lot.
Because no one wants to go out with me...

Ok fine, so then I decide to go out on my own. But letting people know that I want to go out for New Year's Eve all by my lonesome, they warn me not to do it. Tonight is too dangerous for "an attractive" (quoted from a family member) girl to go out alone. Ok... so unless I find someone to go out with, I'll be watching tons of T.V at home!

I think I need to find some more new friends who like to go out.
And I'll only find these people at the clubs...Blah...
*I guess that means no new photos for tomorrow?

Ah... DUH!!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Geez... I Thought I Knew How To Web Design...

Apparently the one month course I took 4yrs. ago wasn't an intensive study into web designing... It's been taking me days to figure out how I want to present my pages into something half decent... I wanted my pages to look something like this:
templateworld or pixelmill
The second link charges customers lots of money just for templates! My expectations were high, so now, I'm just gonna keep my pages plain until I brush up on my HTML/CSS code skills...

And guys n'gals, that's going to take a long while!
Until then, post y'all later.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What Did You Get For Christmas?

Let's see what I got:

-2 sets of pyjamas
-Bathrobe (my other one was getting old)
-1 pair of slippers (I use to wear my Dad's around the house)
-A huge gift box full of colorful + pretty makeup
-My favorite perfume gift set
-Sweater to match with slippers
-Another warm sweater
-Chocolates + bathroom purse (these were in the stocking)
-Cute little notebooks (I like to collect them)
-A small pretty purse to go out at clubs and stuff

And I think that's it...
I Love Gift Giving
We should have more celebrations for gift giving other than for birthdays/Christmas'/Anniversaries/Baby Showers.

Start one with your friends/family
Don't worry, they don't have to be huge gifts. For example once a month get together with some girlfriends and set a $5 price for the gifts to be given and set a date for the party. These little parties work especially when you just made a new friend and want them to be intergrated with your old friends!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Is Just 1+1/2 Days Away!

Here comes Santa Claus!

So, I left Quebec to party it up in Ontario... And so far all afternoon I've been clued to the computer designing my Dreams of Fantasy pages... Maybe tomorrow I will go outside! Well, I hope my peeps from another blogging website have seen my new page! So far is an awesome place to design your own webpage! One day I hope to be a professional web designer and if that doesn't work, I'll apply to work at one of the Nintendo headquarters to work as a janitor! Any of the two I've mentioned would be total bliss for me!

I apologize to my other peeps, I keep changing my blogging address. Trust me, I'm satisfied with the one I've got Til' next post, bye!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Finally Finished Wrapping These Presents... Now it's Time to Pack My Clothes

Every year I wait right until the last minute(s) to finish what I started about a month ago. I have no problem buying gifts, but I wouldn't win no Olympic award for wrapping. It took me half an hour to wrap seven presents... Well, by the last one I was a pro! I've been talking with a few of my close friends and it seems that people are having a hard time having fun at this time of year. For example, brothers and sisters are fighting, parents disappointed with in-laws' decisions and the turkey not cooking properly. It seems that the older I get, more and more problems arise. I just pray that everyone can live in harmony for one, just one, Christmas day this year.

Tomorrow I'm gonna go visit some family up in the "English" province, I always have fun when I go see them. So visit my "Dreams of Fantasy Photos" it'll most likely be updated by New Years!

Last thing: PLEASE, don't drink + drive, just do ONE or the other...

And on a lighter note, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Holidays and have a great vacation!

Post y'all later!

*Kim2theKiko blows kisses to everyone

Monday, December 18, 2006

Why do My Photos Come Out This Way?

Once again, I've decided to have my Christmas Work Party photos developed. And once again certain body parts have been removed from a few photos. AND WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE MY FAVORITE PHOTOS??? (e.g. top part of people's heads are removed, so you don't see the foreheads, but just the eyebrows and eyes).

Yes, I edit them on my laptop with my photo software. And no, I try not to crop too much... Ack! And my red eye removal techniques are horrible. One eye is shiner than the other or I change the skin color just above the eye.

I guess I just want to learn how to do it better... One day I will learn.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Has anyone heard of ICS Canada?


You can take a course called "Computer Graphic Art." It's a home study course and I just started it, if anyone has complaints, or even good news about this thing, PLEASE tell me...

I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing though...

What's wrong with an iPod?


Someone at work questioned the uses of an iPod. Granted, if you just want an MP3 Player, buy any you want that's within your budget. But for me, if it has a 60GB or higher hard drive capacity, and it fits in my pocket, its gonna be my choice for an MP3 Player forever. Since MAC has created such a wonderful device, why would I ignore it?

If yah wanna know more about this device checkout these websites and search for "iPod"...

Best Buy

Has Anyone Bought the Wii yet?

I love Nintendo and all their games!

Anyway, today I bought this magazine called "V-Gamer" it costs $9.95 outside of the Montreal area. They have this contest to win a Wii or Nintendo DS system from website which is "the only local community marketplace endorsed by Nintendo."

In Canada, Quebec, at local electronic stores (e.g Futureshop, Bestbuy, Zellers) the Wii costs about $279.99 + $59.99/game. What do you guys really think about it?

Testing - How to manipulate blog archive dates

I don't want this post to say "January 10th 2008"
I want it to say "December 17th 2006"

Click here to find out how I did it...

Nintendo DS Rocks

Big Brain Academy

I tried a demo over the internet and I want to get the DS and that game...
Maybe I'll buy it after I save $200.00 (for accessories and taxes people)